Saturday, January 21, 2017

The March

So, we waited through five subway trains that were so crammed of people, no more could be fit in, decided to walk more than the March route to get there....But we did it!  The amount of people was astounding.  The amount of goodwill towards all was overwhelming.  I felt included and a part of something...People talked along the way, thanking others for coming out...People helping each other.  Lots of different faces, faiths, shapes, sizes.  Families and women, tons of women...And men. And children...Lots of children.  (And dogs..We know, cuz Willow stopped to pet each one!!). It was wonderful to see such spirit and unity!

From Chewy's point of view:

Despite my distaste for crowds, noise, people and walking I went to the march today.  I was glad I did.
We parked in Cambridge at Draper  but the T was full to capacity with people who were obviously headed to  the march.
After waiting for a few trains we decided to walk the bridge to the Park (about 1.5 miles).
The bridge was packed with people heading to the march.  Young people, old people,White,Black, Gay, Male, Female.. everyone.
The crowd skewed a bit young and people all had handmade signs (some very clever).  The people were courteous and the police were treated with a great deal of friendly respect which they returned iin the same way.
It was a good day.  The people were not carrying racist signs or holding confederate flags.  They were American's who looked young, well dressed, smart, and articulate.
I saw people being helpful to each other (when I dropped my T ticket some one handed me their's) and friendly.
It made me proud to be an American.
I'm home now, my feet look like balloons. But I feel good.
Pictures to follow.

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

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