Thursday, February 18, 2016

It is Time...Game On!

Already February is close to ending...which means a tradition that I had no idea I would be a part of for so long...going Gaming all weekend!

Some of our best times, great times and worst times have been at this convention.

Michael and Willow have grown up around the convention...we have had lasting friendships forged and acquaintances who come year after year like us...we nod at each other as we go to our games...

Started packing our bags this morning, hoping for a good Con this year!


Saturday, February 13, 2016

Birthday Hang-Out

Michael's Seventeen next Sunday.  Gone are those times when I plan and plan a birthday party for him.  I asked him what he wanted to do...he said "have a couple friends over for pizza and just hang out"

So, today, that is what they did.  We invited two friends over...and we had pizza and snacks...and Chewy, Willow and I stayed out of their hair.

Oh, I did indulge in getting an awesome cake....

Which was a huge hit...

It felt weird to be out of the way, not hosting something, not preparing games or setting things up or putting party decorations everywhere.  For almost 16 of his 17 years, I have hustled and barely had a breath, while producing a CELEBRATION.  Meanwhile, time moves on...and there is this mature 17 year old and his pals, joking and doing whatever teenagers do...when they expressly ask the last other adult hanger on (Chewy was kinda hovering at my request) leave, please.
I spent the time with Willow, watching a double feature of James and the Giant Peach (one of Michael's favorites...sigh) and Wizard of Oz (on VCR no less!!)

There are so many things I can write about how Michael has changed and grown, how he often shows a maturity and grace and sense of humor that out shines his frustration and behavior issues.  How he is working towards goals and progressing, how he is leaning towards science or film he is a contradiction and a validation of our personalities.  As usual, he is often a mystery to me...and sometimes he is such a reflection of me. What a wonder to watch your first born grow up.  It seems so long ago that he was a toddler...I cannot really remember him as one any more.  I look back at my blog posts and remember.  

Happy Birthday, son.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Chugging Along with that "Normalcy Thing"...

Not too much time to write, but things are stuttering along to normalcy for a bit.  We finally got our first snow storm of the winter..and it wasn't too bad.  Considering last year we had over 3 feet of snow by now...this is a cake walk.  We have a new plow guy--my only fear is he seems to not necessarily worry about the lawn (which I don't normally either...but he did dig up a bit of neighbor's lawn last time he came...)
Chewy got a new job and is doing very he usually does.  (Usually, outside/internal forces cause issues with his jobs lately, but his work ethic and quality of work is never in question).  The weird part this time is he is a contractor...although he gets benefits, there is a slight feel of difference.

Michael is doing well at school, with just a few outbursts/issues a week...he is learning to control his frustrations.  He is turning SEVEN.TEEN.OMG soon...this Saturday we are having a low key party--a couple of his friends (FRIENDS!) over for pizza, snacks, cake and movies.  I went to BJs last night and ordered a cake with the Phantom of the Opera on it.  A lot different than last years party...but that is fine...and strange...

Willow came down with the first Sick of the year--managing to catch a stomach bug that did not cause any real symptoms--until you had it.  No temp or any warning signs--just sudden, sharp pains in the stomach.  She shared it with Michael--and I spend a good portion of the last couple weeks picking up sick kids from school and dealing with their doctor.

I am doing fine...working on getting the Girl Scout cookie orders out...hoping to eventually get to reading more than just snatches of two books I am working on.  Chewy and I did a Binge Watch of all of Downton Abbey (after having watched the sixth season, we couldn't let go...we started from season one...and just finished the series (again)) last night.  (Its the little things that make you happy--snuggling on the couch with your Hubby, watching English Historic Soap...)

Yeah, so...working on normal every day stuff...and looking forward to the things that February brings...Michael's Birthday, our anniversary of our first date, Total Confusion...


Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...