Friday, August 01, 2014

Cell Phone Picture Summer...

Someone told me today that August is the "Sunday of summer".  I guess August 1st is like the Sunday morning of summer.  It is still summer here, still plenty more fun things to do, camp is still in full swing...but yes, Back to School Sales are starting...and the hints of summer soon coming to an end.

I just can't believe July is over.  It went by so quickly!

Michael has been enjoying his LARP camp, however it is obvious that he is getting too old to just be a camper anymore....we may explore him being a "monster camper" (i.e. teen counselor/NPC) next year.  He has one more week of LARP camp (if you click the link, there is an article about the camp, Michael (barely) is in one of the pictures (I can see the tip of his head and his eyes!).   Later he will have video game creation camp (a new adventure that I hope he enjoys and he behaves well for).

Willow seems to have anxiety and separation anxiety issues dealing with summer camp.  I think the camp may just be too big for is definitely a bit more chaotic than she is used to.  Her behavior in camp has been a bit more troublesome than usual for her and then she ended up being out a few days, so I hope that she finally settles into a routine at camp this last month.

Speaking of being out of camp...this week, Willow pulled her right leg muscle/groin muscle.  She was in a pretty good deal of pain, and for three days she could barely walk.  Luckily, she seems to be pretty well healed...and went back to camp in time for the field trip (which was fortunately to a movie theater!)

We are keeping the wind down of summer at bay with trips to the beach and birthday parties, hopes for our friend Tom to visit and some other fun summer time activities!

And now, for some random cell phone pictures!

With her neighbor/best friend Jessica.  Almost got earrings...she has been asking and asking for them, and then got to scared too get them.  Instead they got best friend lockets.

Dad and Willow...Johnny Rockets hats.

Chuck E. Cheese is responsible for the many many hair extensions in the house.

This Tuesday's adventure to the hospital to check out if there was a fracture in the hip, or "just" a groin pull/muscle pull.

Getting an fractures!

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

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