Sunday, February 09, 2014

Report Cards, Summaries and Progress....

From a progress report at Willow's afterschool program.
Both kids report cards came this week.  Willow's report card was simple to decipher.  She is learning and except for not being able to remember her phone number and address...she is doing very well.  She can she is learning math, reading and all the other things a kindergartner is supposed to.  She is learning how to write stories and the concepts behind how letters turn into words.  She has gotten in trouble a couple of times because she doesn't always "listen", but otherwise she is doing very well with her transition into school.

Michael has had a bumpier ride transitioning into high school.  However, he did mainly get A's on his report card.  He pulled up his Honors Algebra, pulled down his Computer Animation class grades, but we hope that this year is the adjustment year and that his grades will reflect that.  Now that he has changed to the Academic Algebra class--he seems to be handling time management and homework better.  He is still adjusting to having two social skills/help classes each day--but his team has seen progress and everyone is on a learning curve when it comes to figuring out what makes Michael tick (everyone including Michael!).

Therapy is really going well for him, although very taxing for us all.  The therapist seems to be helping Michael deal with his frustrations and giving him alternatives.  We are also thinking some boxing classes might help him let go of some of his pent up energy/frustration/anxiousness.

I am proud of both my kids!

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

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