Friday, September 20, 2013

Best Part of Back to School Night...

Last night we went to Willow's Back to School night.  It was the usual rush of parents and teachers.  Each teacher had a Powerpoint presentation about how the day goes.

It was interesting to see how some things have changed, some have remained the same.

Willow has the same Kindergarten teacher as Michael did.  (She did not seem to be older--yet, we are!?)

Her teacher went through her presentation (with a stop through to the schools web page--so we could be shown where to put our kids pin number for access--yep, that was different from last kindergarten).

The best part of back to school night though was when she started showing slides of the kids in her class doing some of the activities she was talking about.  One slide showed a little boy and a little girl doing something for science...and as I looked at that little boy thinking "he looks familiar", the teacher said--does someone look familiar in this picture, Mr. and Mrs. _______?   Yes.  That was our son in her class oh so many years ago.  (I made sure to point out to the other parents there that that boy is now a freshman in high school...)

And Now....CELL PHONE DUMP II - the revenge of the seasons changing!

Yes, this was at the beginning of Spring! (the year has zipped by!)

Hey, I took a picture of the first pony tail I did that did not suck!

On the Cape at Ben & Jerrys

This girl--she be left handed!  (Talked to teacher about that last night.  She is one of three lefties in the class--and the teacher is a Leftie too!)

My girl likes to pose.


Teenager in the band!  First High School band function--Friday night Football game!

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...