Sunday, September 16, 2012

Monday Snapshot -- Portrait Time!

PAIL Bloggers have changed Memorable Moments Monday to the Monday Snapshot, please click over HERE to see more and meet a PAIL Blogger! (I was featured last week)

Last time we got a family portrait, Willow was 2 years old.  We figured it was about time to get another one, so today we went and got pictures taken...

Got the CD of the pics cuz too many were cute!

Not gonna show the family portrait, but here is a preview of some of the pictures (these aren't even the best ones!)

I like this one because they are being silly even in this typical pose. Also, the hair. The hair, the kids hair can not be tamed easily...

Her expression is just so cute in this one--mainly cuz she is in mid giggle. Oh, and the shoes.  So Willow.  Those are NEWish shoes.  She loves to bounce/jump on her tip toes--always scuffing those shoes.  

This one looks kinda silly, but I just like how she can contort herself like that... way this is my little boy anymore.  (Oh, did I mention his voice is cracking lately...)

This is the seventh or eighth time I have put the damn bow hair thing in...


Life Happens said...

Such great pics! I love the first one, but they all look awesome.

SRB said...

OMG! The kneeling one is my FAVE!!!

Fiona said...

Such great photos! You have two really beautiful kids!

Coco said...

So cute!!! Love those pics! :)

SLES75 said...

great pics! a family portrait is on my list of things to do...

Julie said...

I love those pics! I'm so used to baby photos, I forget all the poses and stuff they can do when they're bigger ;)

Dandylines said...

New Job with challenges? - Be careful what you pray for :>
Very smart child? - Be careful what you pray for :>
Childern becoming independent and growing up - be careful what you pray for. :>
Husband got a new job? Be careful what you pray for. :>
In the meantime enjoy the ride.
ps - we LOVE the pictures of the kids.

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...