Thursday, September 27, 2012


Not much time for blogging, but a lot of things happening around here. My work is going well. It is a very different environment from positions I have had in the past and it is a definite promotion. Whereas before I was an Administrative Assistant/Legal Secretary, this place wants me to become a Paralegal/Admin. Meaning I have a LOT more learning to do and a LOT more responsibility. Being a small office (and smaller by one attorney as of next week) means that I am counted on even more.

I am not sure how I am with this. I am pretty fine with it, but like a lot of things in my life right now, the timing is a bit off. I was looking for a position that was challenging, for sure, but I was not really looking for a Career Track...which is what this is.

At the moment, though, I am doing very well and everyone seems pleased with my performance. I learn quickly and I am a hard worker so that helps. However...I am very exhausted and trying to get the new normal around here is taking time.

Especially since the new normal includes Chewy starting a new position on Monday. Although I haven't written about it here on this blog, Chewy was laid off from his position at the start of August. Well, officially, the department was closed and the last day is tomorrow. Tomorrow he hands in his equipment and badge, etc.

Luckily, with such advanced notice (and the genius that is Chewy), he was able to secure a new position relatively quickly. But, yes, the past few months have been a bit tense...

Meanwhile, the kids just keep trying to grow the hell up.

We found out early into the school year that the bus route was eliminated from his school--that what we had envisioned earlier, which was him being dropped off at the corner and going home after school was not going to be. We live a little over a mile away from school, and I guess the mile mark is the cut off for bus routes. 

So, after I got all the paperwork ready for him to go to an after-school program on Monday--Michael showed us his independent streak....he wants to walk home after school. On.his.own. Yes. He is thirteen. Yes, he is more than capable. Yes, there are some busy streets. Yes, as a mom I am worried and anxious and why does my little boy have to do something SO Dangerous...ahem....**

Yeah. So, today he did a "test" walk, with dad shadowing him a bit in the car. (Actually dad just met him at school, then drove home and waited for him).

Tomorrow, dad has to go to work to finish up and hand in that equipment, etc. So. Tomorrow. My son will walk home from school. And use his key to come into an empty house. And yes, he is thirteen. And I know he can do it. But, damn will he be in trouble if he doesn't call me as soon as he gets home. Every day. I mean it.

Willow...damn if she is closer to five than four years old now. Every day, she is showing me how independently she thinks and feels. She is in Pre-K now at school and she is learning to writer her name and write numbers. If you meet her, she will tell you: "Hi, my name is Willow. Willow starts with W. I have two cats. Their names are Gabby and Kif."

OH. Yeah. still missing! Over a week ago, we came home from being out and realized we hadn't seen her all day. At this point, we have searched all over the house. Being indoor cats, they really do not go outside at all...we have a busy street right in front of us. She must have gotten out. Kif misses her. We miss her. Not sure where she is...hoping she comes home soon.

**I would like to point out here that I actually walked home from school when I was in junior high school.  Like, all the time.


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Monday Snapshot -- Portrait Time!

PAIL Bloggers have changed Memorable Moments Monday to the Monday Snapshot, please click over HERE to see more and meet a PAIL Blogger! (I was featured last week)

Last time we got a family portrait, Willow was 2 years old.  We figured it was about time to get another one, so today we went and got pictures taken...

Got the CD of the pics cuz too many were cute!

Not gonna show the family portrait, but here is a preview of some of the pictures (these aren't even the best ones!)

I like this one because they are being silly even in this typical pose. Also, the hair. The hair, the kids hair can not be tamed easily...

Her expression is just so cute in this one--mainly cuz she is in mid giggle. Oh, and the shoes.  So Willow.  Those are NEWish shoes.  She loves to bounce/jump on her tip toes--always scuffing those shoes.  

This one looks kinda silly, but I just like how she can contort herself like that... way this is my little boy anymore.  (Oh, did I mention his voice is cracking lately...)

This is the seventh or eighth time I have put the damn bow hair thing in...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Working Away...

Obviously, the first few weeks/months at a new position can be exhausting and time consuming--hence why I haven't blogged in a few days.

So far, things are going well. It is definitely a change from being home for so long. And it is a change from the last position I held. I am learning a lot of things and I feel that so far I am making my mark.  Made a couple of mistakes today, but all in all I think I am getting up to speed pretty quickly.

Michael has already done one project for school; has another one due next Tuesday. Willow has been moved up to the Pre-Kindergarten class at daycare. She loves the new classroom and is becoming obsessed with how to "grow up".

And the start of wishing for presents has already started....

In sum--busy busy tired tired stress stress weekend? yay!


Thursday, September 06, 2012

8th Grade - First Day

Today was Michael's first day of school! He took it pretty much in stride... Starting off the day by coming into our bed and taking it over--and not wanting to get up!!


Then he got himself a breakfast of frozen waffles and fruit...note the television remote in hand...


Then it was time to go...and more photos!!

I love what he wore today.


"All right mom--can I go already?!"


Monday, September 03, 2012

Memorable Moment Monday

Another installment of PAIL Bloggers Memorable Moment Monday:

With the end of summer and the end of my unemployment and start of the school year and the return of my role as working mother; I thought I would post some pictures from the past couple weeks.

Playing with a science kit -- making different colors in test tubes.

Making colored crystals.

And they are squishy!

Made crowns (she is a princess, I am a prince).

Eating a poison peach (yeah, we had no apples).

Michael has been enjoying experimenting with different foods--so I was thrilled that he asked to try steamed clams...which he did not like, btw...

Creating on her own. I have no idea what this is--but it needed to be painted with pink sidewalk paint...

And a white flower added to make it pretty too.

Going to Rockport this weekend.

And, of course, eating Lobster!


TotalCon 2025 Recap

Another year, another Total Confusion gaming convention! This year was one of those Above Average, Wonderfully Good Years!  Everyone had fun...