Saturday, July 02, 2011

Sometimes the simplest thing to do is breathe

Trying to take it in and not hide behind the video, the camera. The little things like the salt on my lips, the warmth of water warmed by the sun. The shells on the beach and the sand. Being in the water watching the activity on shore. A father flying a kite with his daughter. From the water, I cannot see her. I know she is there. I can see only my husband and the kite high up in the air. Occassionally he looks down at her and shows her what to do. Considering the drama of yesterday, this is a wonderful time to just enjoy.

He buries himself in the sand. Later, we visit the beach again and we walk, just the two of us, across the shoreline. He runs ahead of me. And I observe my little boy, grown up.

As we walk back from the beach, I am in the back...I can see my son, husband and my daughter. As I watch her walk with her bucket full of shells in one hand, her flip flops in the other, one of her butt cheeks peaking out of her swimsuit...I love my family and these times to breathe even more.



Lollipop Goldstein said...

Gorgeous post. A really gorgeous moment captured.

Kristin said...

What an absolutely beautiful post. I feel like I was there with you.

MrsSpock said...

The perfect post to read as I sit here thinking that I need to sit still and enjoy the abundance I have.

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