Saturday, June 05, 2010

Perfect Moment Monday

Moment #1: He had to do an assignment to write a poem. I found this on our computer:

I Am From

I am from a loving, caring – mother.
I am from a smart, fun – dad.

I am from a family of one cute baby sister named Willow, one fat cat named Gabby, and one quiet turtle named Congo.

I am from watching my dad play video games.
I am from not wanting to take a nap at preschool.
I am from loving to play on the computer and Xbox.

I am from being one of the smartest kids in my classes.
I am from getting great grades in school.
I am from having incredibly nice teachers.

I am from going into space.
I am from cloning dinosaurs.
I am from becoming a doctor of both science and medicine.
I am from an adventurous and curious life.

Moment #2: She is playing with me, throwing herself on top of me and "tickling" me. At one point we get quiet, as she lays on top of my head. I can hear her heartbeat. We are still and quiet and I hear her heart beating and I recall hearing it for the first time at the OB office. She moves and I see her golden hair and feel her breath. And that heartbeat that means so much to me.

More Perfect Moments Here.


Lori Lavender Luz said...
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Karen Kleinwort said...

I love the poem! Thank you so much for sharing this perfect moment.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh. Both of those moments take my breath away.
That poem is a wonderful find "on your computer." So much there he may never have told you. ... at least out loud.
Nice. Thanks.

MrsSpock said...

Awesome! A doctor of both science and medicine!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...