Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Twenty Three Months

Almost two years old. In fact, I often describe you as a two year is only when I approach the 24th of each month that I realize that despite feeling like you have always been there--it has only been 23 months. The last month of counting months.

You have grown so much in so little time. You use words and phrases. Just this week you have shown your independent streak, as you go down the stairs--"I wanna do it" meaning that you want to do it on your own, without any help.

You have are a daredevil--you jump off stairs, climb up on tables, love to go down huge slides. You are curious and, a word we use often to describe you--RELENTLESS.

You are affectionate. You love your baby dolls and stuffed animals. You cuddle them and kiss them and wipe their noses and bottoms (often with the same tissue). You like cars and trucks and things that GO.

You love to have us "sit!", as you pat the ground or the couch to have us play with you. You love playing with your brother and watching "Spo Bob!" with him.

Books are a bit too passive for you, although once you get down for some reading, you need many many books read to you and you enjoy it. You have favorites, especially ones with babies in them. Recently I have been reading Green Eggs and Ham and you like it--the first Loong book that can keep your attention.

New routines have now started being established--like, how we all are getting used to S-P-E-L-L-I-N-G everything out. How we know that we need change in our pockets, so that you can have "MONEY" to put into your bank. How we know that our cell phones are so much more fun than the play phones you have.

Each day you are learning and growing. And each day I marvel at your wonderousness.


Jessica White said...

It goes too fast!

I really like your new background :-)

Cibele said...

Happy 23 months pretty girl. Lyla will be 2 in less than one week... I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!

MrsSpock said...

This reminds me that we are "almost two" over here as well. Wherever did the time go?

kimbosue said...

That is so crazy that she is almost 2 already!

I like the new digs!

Kate @ Ex Libris said...

Ah, yes, the spelling is a must nowadays! hahahaha

Ana said...

LOL WOW she is getting big... and you are brave having a bubble machine in your LIVING ROOM!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...