Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Show & Tell - #48

Last Saturday we made our annual trip to King Richard's Faire.

It was a beautiful day and everyone had fun. I got my face painted.

I figured something with the Grim Reaper would make my son happy...

Willow had no idea what to think and kept staring at my face all day.

There were pony rides for the kids (Willow made it 1/2 through the path before she got scared of the pony), lots of shows and jousting. Maybe next year I can get Willow to have her face painted!

Show and Tell

Monday, September 28, 2009

Perfect Moment Monday

Just one this time:

Driving on a Saturday, perfect blue sky, fluffy clouds that one can just make out as different objects as they shift, Beatles playing. Husband sitting beside me, children in the car, listening and looking. Feeling like everything is right in the world.

More Perfect Moments Here.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Perfect Moment Monday

This weekend I was sick. But, even when you are sick, perfect moments happen...

Moment #1: I come home from work on Friday feeling awful. Husband says "I will take care of the kids--go to sleep--NOW." I then go to bed the earliest I have in a looong time--8 p.m. Secure in the knowledge that, indeed, he can take care of them.

Moment #2: Around 9:30 p.m. that night, my son climbs into bed with me. He is having trouble falling asleep. At this point, so am I. We play shadow figures on the ceiling and I am happy to spend this quiet time with just him.

Moment #3: Sunday morning. She wakes up startled at 5 a.m. It is too early and I am too sick. I bring her into our bed and she snuggles down. At 8 a.m. she stretches her body out in a biiiiig yawn and opens her bright eyes right at me.

More Perfect Moments Here.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Talk

Me: "Do you think it went well?"
Him: "Well, you know those PSAs where the parents are dorky, calm and rationally talking to their child about dr.u.g.s?"
Me: "Yep."
Him: "We were those parents."
Me: "Yes, but do you think it went well?"
Him: "Umm, I have no idea if there is a good way to have The S._.X. Talk."
Me: "But, you think he understood?"
Him: "Time will tell."

It went well, as good as it could be. Some surprises:
Me: "Do you know HOW the s_____ meets the e____?"
The Boy: "Oh yeah."
Me: "Really, you know about the P____ going into the V____?"
The Boy: "Oh, yeah."

We did it together, wierdly with a product of scientific reproduction wandering the room...but we did it. Then "the girls" went away so father and son could talk.

Time will tell...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Show & Tell #47 - My First Poll

Just for fun, I want to see what people think about Halloween costumes for Toddlers...

Here are some examples of what I was thinking of. (Well, originally I was thinking of making a Dalek costume, but we all figured Willow would tear it to shreds--ah, maybe next year...)

Click on the word to get the image:


Queen Amadala

An Otter

Or a Giraffe

The top contender, well, um...I can't decide! Which is why there is a poll over on the top right. Pick one of the top contenders, or let me know other ideas in the comments section below!

Here is the website. Also, Think Geek has some interesting costumes...

So what would you think the Toddler in your life should wear for Halloween? What are you thinking of being for Halloween?

Show and Tell

Monday, September 14, 2009

Perfect Moment Monday

Moment #1: After picking him up from his first day of school, I knew I wanted to do something special for him—perhaps his favorite ice cream stand near our house? Unclear whether that will be a treat he would want, I start to suggest doing something special. He says “Can we go to [the ice cream place]?” We go and he gets his favorite, Mint Oreo, in the warm autumn air.

Moment #2: This morning as I get ready for work I hear her call in a sing song voice from downstairs: “Mmmaammaa, mmmaammaaa”. I look to see her totally naked, swaying back and forth in front of the stair gate. Her dad removes the gate, she climbs up and we play (once I get a diaper on her) on our bed for a few moments before I have to get back to getting ready.

More Perfect Moments Here.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Eight Years

Eight years ago. Time seemed to stand still then (so why does it seem a lifetime ago).

He was a little older than she is now (She was not even thought of, how would I realize the journey of the past eight years).

He was too young to understand the unthinkable(I did not even try to explain).

Eight years ago, the world was united (or so it seemed).

Eight years ago, our country was splitting at the seams (I saw it coming, but could do nothing).

Eight years ago, people were mourning losses both personal and public (I am lucky).

Today I hug her and think of those who cannot.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Show & Tell #46

Today is the first day of school. Again. My traditional photos of my son on the first day of school--Fifth Grade. (Oh my--Fifth Grade!?!)

Every year I take these three photos:

Michael getting up:

This year was harder in getting him up than the last (which was harder than the last).

Eating Breakfast,made by mom (doesn't normally happen, cuz I usually leave before his breakfast, but for the first day--I go to work late)

This year, its the first year he is eating in the living room--watching t.v. (well, I guess its good that it took this long before this started happening...)

Leaving the house.

Each year, he is getting taller!

Okay, so those are the traditional shots I have to get. Here are other random ones I took this morning:

He picked out the outfit..its very Michael. I used to care about getting his hair just right for the first day. But, you know...he needs a haircut, but it looks better than some of those kids I saw last year with mohawks (okay, when did this become a trend again?!!?)

Willow, of course, had to get into the act!

Of course, the shot I wanted had her looking at her big brother...

My little ham. This was one of the first photos I took this morning...

I think I was more nervous than he was this morning. I can't wait to pick him up today and hear all about it!

Show and Tell

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Willow at 16 Months

Willow is becoming her own little person. Her expressiveness and curiousity is boundless. She is able to walk, run, laugh, giggle, be tickled, hug, wave good bye, ask for things, point to her belly button and nose. She can kiss and loves to put baby dolls into her toy buckets so that they are laying down. She can say "mama" "daddy" and a few other words, each time we swear she is saying something like "Michael" or "John" or "hello"--but then we ask her to repeat it and that is that. Tonight she tried to help us put the groceries away, lifting up the shopping bags and even putting some things "away" for us. She is doing new things every day. Willow is into EVERYTHING. In the last four days she has broken three dishes (including the vase that the flowers I got when I was in the hospital with her, which I was saving--but obviously not in a safe spot); and lost daddy's bank card (after she pulled out his wallet and let it flap along, dropping EVERYTHING out of it).

She is fun and frustrating; exhausting and exciting. She is a toddler and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Here are some random pictures from August at a family BBQ (I did not take these pictures, a kind friend of the family did--thank you!)

Perfect Moment Monday

Moment #1: He always gets to pick out which bed is his when we get to a hotel room. And since he is small and we are large, the double beds are not big enough for the both my husband and I in one bed. So, I get the luxury to sleep in the same bed as my ten year old. Having an excuse to cuddle him is one of those moments I will miss as he gets older. During the second night away, I woke up with a start, not knowing where I was. The thick furry legs of my partner were not there. Instead they were the lanky, stick like legs of my son poking into my stomach. And all was right with the world again.

Moment #2: She kisses her baby doll. A big wet open mouthed kiss with a "mMmmmmmph" for emphasis. Then she kisses her stuffed monkey. Several times. And hugs him. And then she comes over to me. And plants several very messy kisses on my mouth. And pats my back in a hug. I do not remember such affection from my son at this age. It must be a girl thing, I think. I embrace my daughter.

More Perfect Moments Here.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Calm Before the Storm

Going away for the weekend. Our last hurrah of summer, before the fall begins. I love fall. I love the changing of the leaves, the cooler, brisk air. But as I have gotten older, I have found the summer tugging at me. And I wish for longer summers, endless vacations, relaxation. And then its over. And I am left feeling bittersweet.

When we get back from our Labor Day weekend at the beach, it will be back to work, back to school. Already starting to plan our annual Halloween Party...looking towards the holidays and gift buying/giving. I look forward to all of those things and more.

But this weekend is a time to look back, one last time, to this summer.

Have a good weekend, everyone!

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Show & Tell #45

Show and Tell

This week's Show & Tell is an oldie. I am showing these pictures because they involve several things I love. Scrapbooking, Michael, my husband, Duck Tours, vacationing, visiting Washington D.C. (which I plan to do again).

My gosh, Michael was so YOUNG...he was about 3 years old. I am looking back at him then and looking forward to Willow being that age.

This was my first attempt at scrapbooking. Looking back at it, it is really kinda crude...but I am glad I did it.

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...