Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Show & Tell #37

On a whim, I decided we would make homemade pizzas for dinner last night. I remember doing this with my family when I was a kid, but I had never done it with Michael before.

Michael and I don't like pepperoni (dad does), but Michael wanted the cheese pizza to have a face...

And then Michael wanted to be silly...

The finished product.

They tasted good. I think next time I will be more creative with the toppings, however.

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Lollipop Goldstein said...

How did you get the crust so perfectly round? Our homemade pizzas taste good, but the shapes are...creative.

Delenn said...

We cheated! We had store bought crust...much easier!

AnotherDreamer said...

I love homemade pizza :) Looks good!

FET Accompli said...

MMmmmmm - looks delicious! They look like perfect pizzas :-)

Anonymous said...

mmmm they look delish! being in the kitchen with my mama are some of my favorite childhood memories. that's so great that you're recreating one of your memories with your kids.

MLO said...

To get a round crust? Shape the crust in the pan!

FattyPants said...

Your crusts look so neat. Ours are always odd shapes and the toppings get all grouped up so it looks like crop circles. Aww, looks like so much fun. You have inspired me to do this with my kids over the weekend!

Caro said...


Liv said...

Yummy! What a great idea to make pizzas at home with the kiddos.

We sometimes make pizza with Tortillas. Very easy, although you have to go light on the toppings. It's a nice and easy light version of what I call homemade pizza!

Cibele said...

Fun fun fun! and Yummy!!!!! Can't wait to do things like that with Lyla...

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

So cute!! Looks delish.

Katie said...

Yummy-Can I have a slice?

cowboyboot lady said...

Yummy! Those look delish! We make homemade pizzas all the time. Do you grate your own cheese? I bet your son would enjoy that!

Jessica White said...

Those look so awesome! I love making homemade pizza, I just never have time to do it....I have to second lollipop...however did you get them so round?!

Christy said...

What a wonderful family tradition you have started!

In the UpsideDown...