Sunday, August 17, 2008

Show & Tell #7

Show and Tell

Cthulhu and the Kid

Last week, around 5 a.m., our son came into our bed and snuggled in. He brought his companion, his stuffed Cthulhu. When he went back into his own bed, he left Cthulhu. And Willow got to meet our friend. The first thing she did--put one of the tentacles into her mouth. Good girl, show lord Cthulhu who's boss.

This is not her first encounter with Cthulhu...we also have this shirt for her.

As we learned from our first, its never too soon to start the Geek Pride !


Valerie said...

hee hee so cute!

Kristin said...

Aaaaw...what a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, so adorable.

AnotherDreamer said...

That is so cute!

chicklet said...

super cute

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

The news story about Michael as a fetal geek is too funny.

I'm the only geek in our house. If I ever tried to take a baby to a geek convention, DH would barricade the door.

JuliaS said...

Hee hee - cute! :0)

Arian said...

Awww. Adorable!

kathi said...

Here for Blogger Bingo! This post brought me a happy giggle and those pictures just warm my heart. Although I don't know that Cthulhu would want that. The world needs more Plushie Cthulhu!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...