Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tomorrow it is...

Went to the pre-op appointment today. Saw a video about what to expect (with having to have had 2 egg retrievals last year, the whole IV thing and not eating after midnight thing are kinda old hat). Still a bit nervous, but meeting with the everyone was informative and frankly, it sounds like (perhaps) this will be smoother than last time.

It's scheduled at 10:30 a.m. (We have to be at the hospital at 8:30 a.m.) Hopefully, by 11 a.m. we will be meeting our little girl!

This might be my last post for a bit...I am bringing my laptop, but unsure of internet access.

Will update when/if I can--maybe husband doing an update tomorrow.


Waiting Amy said...

I will be thinking of you and awaiting wonderful news of your beautiful girl!

Valerie said...

I can not wait to hear of Willows arrival

Caba said...

Can't wait to hear the good news, and see some pics of your beautiful lady!

JJ said...

Cant wait until Willow is here!

N7 said...

OMG GOOD LUCK AND CONGRATULATIONS!!! The day has finally arrived and I can't wait for Willow to be in your arms :)
Saying my prayers for you!!!

Caro said...

Can't wait to see her.

Jackie said...

Oh my gosh, it is 10:30 am right now just as I read your post! I am thinking of you and so excited to hear all about Willow!

Cibele said...

YAY!!! I will be thinking of you and Willow. I'll tell Lyla that her little friend will be here soon. How exciting! Can't wait to meet her

Cibele said...

YAY!!! I will be thinking of you and Willow. I'll tell Lyla that her little friend will be here soon. How exciting! Can't wait to meet her

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...