Tuesday, March 18, 2008

April 25th - UPDATE: Uh, nope, its April 24th!


Obstetrician’s office just called and said they had to change the date for the C-Section. Now its Thursday, April 24th! Same time—9 a.m. (which means I get to be there by 7 a.m.)

One less day to wait! One month and 3 days to go!!! And it still seems to be too far away—

But yet, anxiety-wise, its starting to seem close! Worrying about practical things – Michael is pre-registered for Daycamp, but now he also has an all day Neuro Pysch testing (for his ADHD, social pragmatics issues) on that Tuesday (it takes 3-4 months to get this testing—and they schedule THAT WEEK?!?) and the Boys & Girls Club is closed on that Monday, and that leaves Wednesday and definitely not Thursday (which is a field trip day) and then what about Friday…hmm...maybe we will just not have him go to daycamp…not sure. Part of me wants to spend as much Michael and me time as we can before there won’t be just Michael and me time anymore, and part of me wants to have some ME only time before there will not be anymore---maybe I will have him go to B&G Club on Wednesday only. Originally I was going to work up until Wednesday, but with the all day Neuro Pysch test—it seemed easier for me to take the whole week off. And then there’s what to pack for the hospital…definitely want my laptop and some dvds (I have no idea about internet access)...clothes for Willow have already been picked out (Michael and I did that) and I am sure there are a million things to worry about (I know, I started to worry about them at 4 a.m. this morning). Not scary worrying, just me worrying. The Organizer and Controller – yes, part of me worries (very selfishly I am sure) that the whole household will fall apart without me. Part of me worries that things won’t be done while I am lying in the hospital. I worry that Michael won’t be getting the attention that he should get at this time—all the attention will be on the baby and me—I don’t want him to be forgotten. And there is a little part of me is scared about the procedure itself. It’s been 9 years…a lot of time has passed and my memories of that time are muddled---how’s it going to go? (And yes, I know it will be fine, and yes, I know people do this everyday—but you can’t help but be a little apprehensive, eh?)

Had OB appointment today. The scheduled C-Section is at 9 a.m. on Friday, April 25th. (SQUEEE!)

Everything checking out...I gained another pound (I am at the maximum I wanted to weigh--and I have 6 more weeks--EEEK!).

We talked about the procedure a bit and how it would go. The tubal ligation will add another 10 - 15 mins to the procedure, otherwise after I am in recovery, I can hold Willow, etc. Sounds like daddy gets to be lucky again and get to hold her first! :-) (I'll get to see her immediately after she is taken out).

On April 1st I have another appointment and an Ultra-Sound. I am measuring a bit bigger than her weight indicated from last ultrasound. Which could be many factors--my body shape (duh!), extra fluid, etc. Nothing serious, but they want to check it out. (The way she mentioned it made me feel like its no big deal, but then, of course, anxiety-wise, you know I am going to be freaking out until we have the ultrasound...)

I am excited and also anxious to get to meet Willow. I am not a patient person--and waiting 8 months (plus 5 years of trying, plus the many ups and downs of the journey)--this is getting down to the ultimate nail-biting finish. And this is going to be the LOOOONGEST month and a half!!

Historical Facts - April 24


JJ said...

How exciting to have a date! She'll be a Taurus: a good sign to be in ;)

Valerie said...

I am so excited for you!!! Our kids will be just a month apart and it will be cool to look and see what I have to look forward too again.I know what you mean about it taking forever, I have 66 days and it seems like it will never get here.

Christy said...

Wow, it's so close now! How exciting!

Anonymous said...

Yippy!!! My mom booked her flight for the 29th, sad I can't go too. (Noah's going to be really jealous. He asks if he can go to cousin Michael's house all the time.) Eleanor is like a baby monkey attached to me at all times. I'm her universe right now, it's ok, it goes by so fast; in a few short years I'll wish she'd let me hold her.
My the Force be with you!! Pretty soon you'll have a new little nursling all warm and snuggled up to you.


Mama Bear said...

Thank you so much for the supportive comment on my blog--and for sharing your experiences!

And, congrats on getting your date! And, as a fellow Taurus, I agree with JJ--it's a great sign. :-)

Dr. Grumbles said...

Hope the time passes quickly!

Unknown said...

Wow are you going to have a busy week. Thanks for the email. I am guessing a nine year old won't have as many issues with sharing Mom and Dad with a baby as the typical new sibling that is two or three. They can think of the future and see the benefits of having this noisy, parents stealing creature around. Just reassure Micheal that when things calm down a little and you all get used to being four instead of three there will be more time for just you and him. S spent some time with Grandma E when K was first born and having time alone with another special adult really helped with the transition. Maybe Michael could do some things with his Uncle or one of your friends to give him a break from baby central during those first few weeks. S never seemed jealous of sharing us with K. I think it was because she was older and had been waiting so long to finally have a sibling. But she hates sharing Grandparents with K. She still gets especially jealous when J's Mom pays attention to K instead of her.

Cibele said...

April 25th is my due date! Maybe Lyla and Willow can share birthdays!!! I am also getting very anxious... good luck to us!

AwkwardMoments said...

I am hoping it is not a Looooooooooooooong month. I know you must be SO excited!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing them...so, I think, especially during these time...