Saturday, May 29, 2021

Chinchilla Dream

Since I have gotten the CPAP machine, my dreams/nightmares are more intense, and with the pandemic, more prescient.

This morning I had an intense dream that one of our chinchillas (long since passed on) was suffering a hurt leg and had a cast.  And trying to keep him safe and pain free (and in his cage) was our main goal.  Which, if you know chinchillas, is very much next to impossible, because they want out to bounce around and run free...

Willow's surgery went well...but now is the hard part of recovery...

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


"Not to get all Fan Girl, but I have went down the K-Pop rabbit hole..."


Anxiety -  over: he left no gas in the car.  He was anxious all night and was worried about it until it was fixed.

Anxiety - over: I put the frozen pizza in the oven before the pre-heat had set--I just put a few extra minutes on the timer.  He could not get over that, and it caused anxiety to not have followed the directions perfectly.


Work wants me to go back into the office every day--I am down to two days remote and frankly, I have to say I am anxious about going back to five days a week grind.  I was already burning out before Covid...and now....


There are Subway and Dunkin Donuts bags all over the kitchen.  I give up.


Chewy got his teeth and can chew---well, sort of---he is still getting used to them and breaking them in...which means, sometimes I come into the kitchen and there is a glass with teeth in them.


Cats are definitely cuddly.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Adversity - Or How Come we can't just have it Calm?

So far, while 2020 was so very Globally, vastly, unimaginable, this year 2021 has been filled with various min-crisis situations that have made this year more of a challenge than I would like.

While I am still recovering from my hairline fracture on my ankle, we have had a couple of other things happen:

A Dominoes pizza car hit Chewy's car (while he and Michael were driving to a comic book store).  Everyone is fine--but the car is totaled.  So...we are dealing with that mess of paperwork, car buying, etc.

Before then, Chewy had his teeth extraction, but the mold for his bridges did not come in and were, he has spent the last two weeks having mushy foods...  Hopefully he will be getting his new teeth on Monday.

And then there is Willow.  Willow fell (probably tripping over the threshold between the kitchen and the living room) and she fell hard and dislocated her knee and fracturing the patella.  She had an MRI and the results came in yesterday.  She pulled the tendon, she not only fractured, but a piece broke off and is floating in the knee area, thus creating swelling and all around not happiness with the tendon.  So--this Friday, Willow is going to have a 3 hour out-patient surgery.  The Doctor will be going into the knee with a scope and she will retrieve the piece and (hopefully) pin it to the patella (with degradable pins). baby is going to have surgery.  This year will definitely stand out--and it isn't even June yet!

Saturday, May 08, 2021


I don't really remember when I turned 13. The teenage years were such a blur.  I remember High School and the anticipation of things to come...and now, I am a mother to a 13 year old.

It has definitely been a strange few years and her first years in Middle School has been challenging in so many ways.  But in a really good way, the challenge has also brought my daughter and I together even more.  We are starting to bond in that way where I hope it lasts through the next few years of teenage drama and we end up continuing be the more mature relationship of a grown young lady and her mother.

It is bittersweet to watch the children grow up like this.  And the last few years and pandemic make it so much more clearer that life is fragile and short.  Sometimes that just gets me down.  Sometimes that makes me want to live life to the fullest. 


Willow at 13: loves Manga, loves Japanese fiction, anime, history, UTube, driving around with mom, Billie Ellish, Gorillaz, The Monkees.  She loves running around outside, cute squishy stuffed animals and drawing.  She hates working on homework, doesn't like the noise of people eating, and apparently Flan and Chocolate are heaven on earth.

Funny, intellectual, manipulative, dramatic, loud, clumsy, whimsical, daring, wise, anxiety-ridden, coffee addicted, fashion obsessed (if not personally).

Willow is awesome.

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...