Thursday, March 24, 2016

Dusting Off the 'Ole Blog...

Not sure if anyone reads my Blog anymore, but if there are any readers still, you may have noticed that I am writing more here...or at least I am trying to.  I miss my Blog.  I miss Scrapbooking, extensive book reading and exercise too...but I am working on all fronts...  

Life can be tiring and stressful and just plain,  So, haven't been on here as often as I should be.  Going to try to do better, not for any readers that may still be out there...but for myself, so that I have a record.

Right now we are trying a change in routine, slightly.  We are doing something we have wanted to do for a while, but through various work circumstances, could not.  I am doing the morning drop-off and Chewy is doing the evening pick-up.  I know, sounds CRA-ZY!  But, it actually is a change in routine that hasn't changed in over 10 years...I have always had a job where I had to be there too early for drop-off and Chewy has always had to work late.  We are going to see how this helps Willow in the mornings.  So far, in just the two days we have been doing this, I am liking the change..I think we all are.

It is also going to be time to do some major cleaning up in our house this spring...just so much chaos and clutter...time for a weekend...sometime soon...when will do a de-cluttering!  Seems to be what I am doing with the rest of my life...trying to de-clutter, re-clarify and re-start.  I better hurry up and do these things before 2016 is almost over!

1 comment:

MrsSpock said...

I'm still here now and again....

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...