Monday, October 12, 2015

#MicroBlogMonday: Doing The Time Warp Again...

#MicroblogMonday, anyone?  Click here.

This weekend has been back and forth in time...

A few weekends ago, we cleaned out my mom's apartment.  Amongst her stuff, were two videos we had made for her of Michael. Saturday, I popped one into the only videotape machine in the house...and was reintroduced to my four year old son.  My pre-labeled, pre-tested, pre-teenager son.  My gosh, how damned cute, so different, yet, the same, yet innocent.  Michael watched some of it...and marveled over toys he remembered. It was awesome.  I will have to convert these digitally.

Later, on Sunday...Willow and I had a discussion I was hoping to avoid one more year.  But, it seems that she has reached another milestone... Santa has been revealed.  Now, I have no children to enchant this year.  I was sad at the time, but actually, feel a bit fine with it and hope to make her holidays still fun for her.  (I told her not to tell other kids...and she revealed that she had entreated all children about her previous discovery about the Tooth Fairy, but promised not to do so about Santa...with a why? Question before agreeing...).

The end of Sunday found us listening to the Time Warp as we drove two hours to visit a small, but special little horror movie musuem in Connecticut.  A place Michael discovered, and it was awesome!

Now, I am typing this on my phone in a motel room...tomorrow dawning...a Museum we have visited a few times before in our future.  I think the first time we visited it was when Michael was...four years old.


Lollipop Goldstein said...

Fun -- where is the horror movie museum? Next time I drive from DC to New England, I'll try to hit it on the route. You know, of course, that it's the 40th anniversary of Rocky Horror? I'm looking for a showing to go celebrate.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a really neat place.

Delenn haven't heard back from you in a while wondering if you have been getting the emails? Hi I received your email is plenty, I know you are busy.

T from college

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