Saturday, April 25, 2015

On your Birthday...Seven years

Aside: Right now you and your brother are playing an old x-box Spongebob game--being silly and cute and I could not have any more clearer reason why I so wanted/needed you in our lives--the sibling that you are being right now...what you bring out in your brother that is especially needed in him...I cannot express how much I love that.

Yesterday you turned Seven Years Old.  I took the day off and you and I had a mother/daughter day.  It was wonderful to spend time with you and listen to your ideas and thoughts on the world you know.  We went out for breakfast with your brother, you got a mani/pedi, we went and bought you clothes at the mall, we went shopping and hung out.  We finished the day up by picking up daddy and going to see the new Cinderella movie.

Today was your birthday party.  We went to a jumping/bouncing gym.  We had pizza, snacks and Cake.

Within the past 48 hours, you have asked me about adoption, death, American Girl dolls and their comparative ages.  You have read and re-read cards and books and laughed and giggled.  You have bounced and eaten enough sugar to continue bouncing.  You have played with friends large and small at the party, then went to the playground, then came home and played with the neighbor kids...and now you are playing a video game long after you should be to bed.

You have also shown your wonderful, selfless side to me.  Last night, we picked up your cake...and one of the cats squished parts of it.  As I was ready to panic, ready to take it back to the bakery to get calmly said that you did not really care about the cake anyway--that the party the next day was more about playing with your friends and that was all that mattered.  It was a very mature and wise thing to say.  And I was all the more happy to bring this cake to the party.

No cats were harmed, although I was thinking about it....Luckily, there was a centerpiece that covered up the worst parts.

Willow, you show this side more often than not.  You are such a kind and generous soul.  You love and are loved.  You are dramatic, you are silly, you are anxious and you are wonderful. I love hugging the stuffing out of you.  The amount of growth I have seen in you amazes me and I am so proud of the little girl you are becoming, so grateful to have you in our lives.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Michael went to a birthday party this weekend.  With other kids his age.  Dare I say, friends.  This is huge.  After almost two years of is great to see him making friends again!

Willow is reading and writing and has been singing songs from Annie.  She also has ambitions, which she shared with her teacher..

Proud of my kiddos!


Friday, April 17, 2015

Six Years - In Pictures

A week from today, she will be Seven Years old!

Good Morning, sleepy head--one more week of six years old!

Her sixth birthday - celebration at school.


Friday, April 10, 2015

Typical Scene

Uncle John and the kids.  (just before Willow spills food on the new carpet)

During the week, Uncle John comes over after work and we all relax after a hard day...this is the scene at home--while I am still at work.  Chewie is taking the photo, while he sits at his computer...his typical scene.  Michael has staked out the love seat as his domain.  Willow is eating ice cream because dad picked her up early and she was had a hard day (dad is a softie, and I bet she would have gotten ice cream even if she hadn't had a hard day).  


Things are doing better here.  I do not tempt fate by saying that we have slipped into "normal" mode...but things are stable, crisis's are averted (or at least postponed).  Now, all we need is Spring to decide to actually get here...which, the weather for this weekend sounds like it may be actually arriving...


Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...