Thursday, July 24, 2014

First Reads

Once again I am amazed at the wonders of a child growing up.  It is so astounding to watch the world open up to her, as she stumbles, reorders, fumbles and then figures out the words.  As she reads The Very Hungry Caterpillar to me.  It reminds me of the time so long ago, when he was reading Go Dog Go!  and Skeleton Hiccups to me.

Spending that time reading, listening to her.  Having him read to her.  Again I have found reading.

I think sometimes we forget, with all the internet stuff going around....the book, the discovery.

I am looking forward to her reading more books to me.


Sunday, July 06, 2014

4th Random

I have thoughts that I would write down, but they are not solid enough...I have worries and happiness, the intermixing have made me a bit dis-jointed this bullets seem to be the way to remember this three day weekend:

  • We were rained out of our normal Canobie Lake Fun, in one of those times when you are all ready to go there, have even put the sun block on in that naive way that "of course" the tropical storm should not affect that far inland way.  And the park was closed.  That, and the all day rain storm that canceled outside activities, kinda left us at a loss this July 4th

  • There was Fantasia and annual Twilight Zone marathon...and early birthday cake!  And a board game...and going out for seafood.  So, we had a pretty good July 4th anyways. 

  • Michael's report card came on Thursday.  He got all A's and one B+ (math final brought it down).  Very proud of him, and glad Freshman year can be closed in the record books.

  • Willow is apprehensive about summer camp--its a new experience she is not quite certain of.  So far, she had a short week before the holiday and it went all right.  (She did get in trouble for kicking a boy...who knows whats going on there...)

  • Chewy and I were able to have some adult only time this weekend...were able to see two movies that we really had been thinking about seeing.  Both were very good - American Hustle and Hotel Budapest.  They were the type of good movies, like a good book, that continue to haunt your mind long after you have finished them.

  • Chewy had a Birthday!  And cake!  And sushi!  He was spoiled, as well he should have been.

  • Today we went to a BBQ at our friend's house.  It went pretty well...some misbehavior aside...

  • Willow sprayed people with a hose--got me totally drenched.  Told her it was funny the first time...but not so funny if she did it again.  (It was hard to keep a straight face for that one)

  • Michael was a bit thin-skinned and swore at another kid...but in the end it turned out okay (this is one of those times when he needs more social experiences to be able to know how to handle himself better) 

  • There were new experiences - like Michael using a kayak for the first time!

  • And the kids going out on a floating canoe.

  • The long weekend is over, time to go back to the relatively new  normal summer routine.


Thursday, July 03, 2014

The Kittens Turn One!

The kittens turn one year old this July 4th.

We have had Delenn and Lennier since December 2013...a little over six months!

 They are cute and their personalities are different enough that you almost don't need to look at their collars to know which one is which.

 Delenn has become less apprehensive and more affectionate. Usually it is Kif and Delenn pouncing onto the bed in the early morning, wanting cuddles and food.

 Lennier is the troublemaker. He scratches things he shouldn't and is adventurous to a fault, finding impossible things possible and I can count several items in the house that he has broken. He is also Michael's favorite, so I cannot really be too mad at "Lenny" (Michael's nickname for him).

 In a fit of indulgence and frivolousness, I let the kids pick out birthday gifts for the kittens. We got a couple cat toys (which will probably not get hardly any use before they actually just lose them under furniture), some cat nip that they played with already and some outfits (the outfits were not something I would have bought at all---but like I said---being a bit indulgent). Lennier actually has taken to the outfit Michael picked out for him. Delenn doesn't seem to have Willow's girlish fashion sense (yet).

Delenn was not unhappy.

Lennier is like, well, the boy put this on me AGAIN...I look fashionable!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...