Thursday, June 20, 2013

Let The Summer Begin!

Michael has one more day of school (we made it so, because he is gonna miss the last three days next week because we are going on vacation).

This week, he has went to an amusement park twice on school field trips -- once with the band and today with the graduating 8th Grade class.  He surprised me by telling me that he went on a roller coaster (we don't seem to handle roller coasters very well as a whole in this family).  I am glad that my quirky son had a good time with friends at the park--and proud that he was willing to try something new!

Yes, summer is finally here!  The weather seems to still be trying to catch up, but it is looking and feeling a lot like summer around here....not least of which because we are going to make our annual Cape Cod trip this coming week!

The last two summers I have been unemployed.  While we are in a better place as a whole because we are both working and financially sound...I do miss the fact I cannot hang out with my kids during those lazy days of summer.  I know I am romanticizing a bit--I mean, last summer I was a wreak because I was losing unemployment and Chewie was getting laid off---but now that the crisis bit is over...I can remember being able to take the kids to the beach or play outside with them, or read a book in a lawn chair while Willow learned how to swing by herself.  I will miss that this year.  But I will cherish the memories from those summers past when I was, by happenstance, given a chance to enjoy the extra time that summer seems to afford.

Oh, and I won't miss ALL of it...not by a long shot.  Some pictures of Summer Adventures started...

Playing with her best friend on the swings.

With her cousins at the zoo.

At the fountain at the zoo.

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...