Monday, July 09, 2012

Memorable Moment Monday - Independence

Taking part of another PAIL Bloggers Memorable Moment Monday:

July 4th, 2012

Willow is becoming more and more independent.  It is such a wonder to watch her figure out the world around her and where she fits in.  She has opinions, she sings songs when she is happy, and she loves to occasionally surprise me with the insightful thoughts that only a four year old has.

And then we have the Teen: 

July 8, 2012

Michael is so much a teenager sometimes it is hard to reconcile his sometimes childish streaks with the mature ones....although I think I just defined what a teenager is right there!  Here he is hanging out at the beach while his sister caught hermit crabs (although he did later help set up a hermit crab race).



Julie said...

My friend Tiffany has two boys in the realm of "pre-teen" and she talks a lot about the weird dichotomy of her sons being "like a preteen" and then like a younger kid. They're caught between tantrums and eye-rolling "mo-ooommm!" Fun times ;)

Coco said...

So fun! Hermit crabs and reading at the beach. Sounds ideal. :) And she is beautiful!

Fiona said...

Four sounds like such a fun age... watching her become more and more her own little person with her own ideas, opinions and beliefs! She is a cutie! Ohhh teens... they are an interesting bunch... although I think his idea of a day at the beach doesn't look half bad! ;)

Staring the New Year off...with an OW!

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