Friday, October 10, 2008

Show & Tell # 13

Show and Tell

Posting my show and tell early, as we are going away for the weekend...

Last weekend we went to a medieval faire. We go every year, and this year was wonderful weather wise. Some of our traditional things to do:

Go see a medieval show:

Usually, these are funny, bawdy shows (family style—the innuendo count is high—but the kids don’t get it). One of our favorites—a show where they compete to eat mud. (Yes, they eat and drink MUD).

We also do the pony/horse ride. This is Michael's first year on a HORSE. He is so handsome.

One of my FAVORITE parts was shared by all...THE CAKE!!!

Fun was had by all! (Obligatory baby photo ahead)


Serenity said...

Oh, my. That cake looks FANTASTIC. As in I could lick the computer screen fantastic. Wow.

(Apparently searching out chocolate will be my quest this afternoon...)

Sarah said...

Beautiful baby, handsome son...our girls are 2 days apart!! So much fun, huh???

Kate said...

They must travel down here b/c we have the same shows at our Renn Fest. It looks like you guys had fun!!

Lollipop Goldstein said...

That cake looks soooooooo good. I would love to go to a fair like that. I know they have one in Maryland each year, but we've never made it down.

AnotherDreamer said...

That looks like so much fun!

Michelle said...

OMG that cake looks like the best cake in the world!!!! I am drooling here.

Cajun Cutie said...

yummy! Did you see any highland cattle? I love highland cattle and look forward to the Ren fair so i can see them. Looks like fun was had by all.

Arian said...

I sooo could use a chunk of that cake right now!

My family goes to the Rennaisance Festival here and I love going! The guy that got them started here lives in a real castle that he's been working on since I was a little girl and the crew that he gets to set stuff up goes all out!

What a fun day!

battynurse said...

Oh wow that cake looks yummy. The event sounds like fun too. I've wanted to go to one of those for a while. Glad you had a good time.

'Murgdan' said...

WE have a Rennaisance Festival here every year, and I've NEVER been, though I always say I'm going. Maybe this year...looks like fun!

Cara said...

I went to a fair like that a loooong time ago. It was so cool, but I have to say my favorite treat was a giant pickle from a cooled barrell they toted around the grounds.

Hmmm..does that make me wierd? Any pickles at your event?

Anonymous said...

I have never been to a medieval fair. It looks like it was fun.

Melzie said...

FUN!! I've not been to one since moving away form Texas- and we had such grand times!! :)

My S&T is up HERE!

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Is the cake supposed to be somehow medieval, or is it anachronistic cake? :)

KandiB said...

I've always wanted to go to a midievil fair...but I thought all they served were those gigantic turkey legs! If there's cake like that, I'm so there!! said...

The cake looks really yum! And you do seem to have had a great time...Best Wishes!

docgrumbles said...

he does look great on a horse!

I like that you call it a Medieval Faire, not a Renaissance Fair/Festival like we get in my area - the misnaming encourages historical ignorance.

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