Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Safety Net

Today is my first day without someone home with me. I have two appointments, one with the Pedi and one with my therapist, so getting out of the house is not a problem today. Today the hard part will be coming home and then picking up my son and dealing with the two of them. Routine is slowly, ever so slowly, coming, but my anxiety levels are still high sometimes and every so often that pit in my stomach rears its ugly head. But, I think the med is starting to kick in, and I am coping. My therapist wanted me to come up with a schedule this week, including people I was going to visit, errands I would do, etc. Keeping a routine and getting out of the house and not being alone are the goals. The good news is that unlike nine years ago, I do feel like I have support if I need it. I am going solo, but I have my safety net at the ready.

I'll update with news from the Pedi--if constant breastfeeding is any indication, I would say she is having a growth spurt and I fully expect her to be at or above her birth weight...

UPDATE: Willow is now 3 oz. above her birth weight (she is 7lbs. 6 oz.), an inch longer and thriving.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are doing a little better. Willow is nursing well, thats good. We went to see Thomas the train this weekend. TT

Jackie said...

Hey there, I hope that things are going all right. I am thinking of you and I hope that your support net is all in place.

Dr. Grumbles said...

Hope things continue to fall into place.

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing them...so, I think, especially during these time...