Friday, January 04, 2008

Mixed Messages

Went to my OB's office yesterday for monthly check up (only have one more monthly check up, then its every 2 weeks).  I was a little worried, as I have gained some weight (7 lbs.) since last appointment.  Last time I had went, my OB was happy that I had maintained and everything was great.  But this was the same person who made me feel like crap the first time I met her.  So, I wasn't looking forward to it.  BUT I did not meet with her.  I met with the NP, who was the person I had my initial appointment with.  And she is totally cool and handled my concerns on my gain with such positive comments ("Who hasn't gained weight during the holidays!"  "'re doing your best...").  And this was the way she had been during my first appointment with her.  It was like night and day, and made me realize that I have to sometimes just go by my own instincts.  I explained to her that I was hoping to only gain half of what I gained with Michael (not the 15 lbs. only that OB is pushing for) and she was fine with this plan (and mentioned that "...Dr. ______ is really strict on weight...") and encouraged me to try my best.  It was refreshing to get that from someone professional.   

The rest of the appointment was uneventful---she had trouble finding the heartbeat (my own heart stopped for a few seconds), but that was mainly because Willow was moving around a lot. Heart beat was found and it was strong.  Next up, I have another Glucose Test and blood appointment Feb. 4th.  (I miss getting Ultrasounds!)

P.S. Tracking my weight on What to Expect When Your Expecting website---I am within the normal range...


Waiting Amy said...

Glad you found that lovely heartbeat. Please don't worry too much about the weight stuff. Just keep up being as healthy as you can!

Dr. Grumbles said...

Great news on the heartbeat and the non-judgmental staffer.

Chastity said...

I'm so glad you found the heartbeat. That happened to me once when I was pregnant with Lila, and it scared me half to death.

Somewhat Ordinary said...

I loath getting weighed these days! I've gained quite a bit of weight and what frustrates me is that I exercise and eat way better than my best friend, she's 2 weeks ahead of me and still has gained about 10-12 pounds less than me. I've started getting lectures and really I don't know what else to do.

Glad you got the heartbeat and hopefully your little one won't give you another scare like that!

AwkwardMoments said...

It is very scary when it takes them too long to find the heartbeat. My heart sank/stopped beating until they found ours. and I too miss getting u/s's. I am glad things are going well for you

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Could not find a suitable section so I written here, how to become a moderator for your forum, that need for this?

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...