Friday, November 09, 2007

Nutritionist Is Nice

Had the Nutritionist appointment yesterday, and I feel a lot better about things. First off, she thinks I was pretty much on track with my weight, although now I do have to start watching it. Check! Second, she actually knew of and approved the diet I was using to lose weight before I was pregnant (Low Carb for Dummies--good, sensible book) and she wasn't all Atkins. Check!

She and I talked about a pregnancy diet that I (hopefully) can live with. Its not too bad, although I guess my cravings for sweets is definately going to be tested...but she offered some good advice for my chocoholism.

It's mainly a diet used for diabetic pregnancies, with carbs and proteins placed throughout the day (a concept which I am not totally familar with). The usual 6 small meals a day, eat when you are hungry, eat the right foods, etc. So, I hope that I can stick with it, esp. with the Holidays coming...

Next up, that yummy Glucose test next week!


Waiting Amy said...

Yeah! Glad you are feeling better about things. I'm sure you will do great. All that matters is that you and the baby stay healthy.

Shelby said...

Glad the nutritionist helped. And good luck with your glucose test next week! I had Gest. diabetes with my daughter, and I"ve already been doing the meds and testing with this pregnancy. Not fun at all! At least with the diet the nutritionist has you on, if it's anything like the one I was on with my daughter, will really help with the "gain" issue your OB seems to have. I ended up only gaining 3 pounds through my whole first pregnancy. This time, Im up 16 pounds at 22 weeks.

Jill Tice said...

Hi there! I am a secondary infertile too! It is nice to know that I am not alone but it makes me sad too.

I am looking forward to reading your blog!

Caba said...

I'm glad the meeting with the nutritionist went well. As someone who battles with weight issues every day, it sucks to feel like you are always getting yelled at for it. I always want to say to people "Do you really think that I think I am 100 lbs??? I know I need to lose weight!".

Hang in there ... it will be tough, but you will be able to do it!

Jackie said...

I'm glad you like your nutritionist. Good luck with the new food schedule, hopefully, once you get into the routine, it won't feel too weird. Sometimes it helps to get rid of all the stuff you can't have although with a husband and son at home that is much easier said than done.

Cibele said...

I glad that you are feeling better. I have my glucose test next week as well. Soon we will know if it is a boy or a girl!!!!!

Jill Tice said...


I am FINALLY starting your journey! Happy reading to ME!

Jill Tice said...

Ummm, excuse me....(raising my hand) but I would like to know some tipe for curbing my chocolate-aholicism...and that diabetic diet!

You story is so sweet and it is so nice to see that IVF worked for someone!

BTW, my sister lives in RI and I spend the majority of my summers in Cape Cod. LOVE IT!!!!!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...