Saturday, September 02, 2023

Cape Cod 2023 Recap

Another summer is zooming to an end...this summer, most of the summer, has been rainy and dreary (especially on the weekends).

This year, we went to Cape Cod late in the summer---and the weather, while not always sunny--was never really rainy or dreary.

I think this year ranked as one of the best years we have had. Almost everything went as planned, we were able to do everything that everyone wanted (which is hard with a family of four above the age of 13 years).

The house we stayed at was very welcoming and we were greeted with wine and cheese (and one of the owners!).

Some highlights:

  • Spending time together sans television (there was one, but it was not in the main room).  It was a wonderful time to get some reading and family togetherness.
  • Touring Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) - getting to see inside an ALVIN
  • New (to us) restaurants!
  • Willow getting her LOBSTAH fix!
  • Beach time! Lots of hermit crabs!
  • ARGH, the Pirate Museum!
  • Drive-In for dad 
  • Jacuzzi time!
  • Much needed rest and down time had by all
  • Provincetown - Shark Center and Beach Time, and Shopping!
  • Mini-Golf -ARGH
  • Weird Al music in the car
  • Michael sang the "Ghostbusters" theme (reminding us of LAST year's Cape Cod earwig)
  • Seafood!
  • Pizza Barn!
  • Nice Views!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...