Wednesday, April 29, 2020


We have had many times in our lives where we have been in some type of limbo.  Often this has been because of a lay-off or some other internal thing.  This limbo--this Covid different.

Usually, when we have been in some sort of limbo in our lives, other parts of our lives have continued.  We still went out, had activities that we participated in, things to distract us from the uncertainty.

This morning, Michael went out for a drive.  As he shut the door, I called after him (and he did not hear) that he should go out walking instead.  He used to walk a lot, but since this winter (which was mild, but cold) he has not...and he is starting to get a few extra pounds on because of being cooped up all the time.  I absent-mindedly thought: "Oh, well, he can go to the Y later today".  And then my mind reminded me.  Nope.  No Y.  No going to the gym for any of us. 

This limbo means that everything is uncertain.  About now, I should have already set up some type of summer camp options for Willow (probably the last year I can).  I should be pushing Michael into getting a summer job lined up.  I should be going through financial aids and scholarship issues for Michael to go to UMass in the fall (still waiting for transcripts that have been delayed because of this pandemic). 

This limbo means I don't know what will happen this July, when normally we would be celebrating Chewy's 50th Birthday and going to Canobie Lake Park (which we did not do last year because of Chewy's foot issues). 

I don't know what will happen in May when Massachusetts maybe will lift some restrictions and start to re-open.  Right now, I am working from home 3 days a week.  That kinda works well for me and dealing our family and their needs.  What happens with online schooling?  What happens to any of the things we normally would do.

One thing is for certain...things are not going to be "normal" for a long time.  And we just need to adjust to the limbo-ness of the moment and the moments to come.

Friday, April 24, 2020

And She is Twelve...

12 years ago I was meeting her for the first time.  12 years ago was a life time ago.  12 years ago was just a blink of an eye.  12 years of my silly, imaginative, intelligent, funny, manipulative, spoiled, happy, depressed, old  soul of a daughter.  I love her to bits.  I love her more every day, every year that she graces my life. 

12 years old...and so much more to me.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Perfect Moments...

  • Listening to old albums from our younger days, as we both work in at the kitchen table.  Reminisces, bittersweet time stands still once again.  How often music can bring us back and make our mood lighter and carefree.  PowderPuff Girls Soundtrack remembered and enjoyed along with others...

  •  Literalness:  She was waaaay early this morning, then slept in waaaay late.  I finally was able to get her up and showered, told her to come down and get some food...she could smell the bacon from this morning and said "like, some bacon?" and I had to tell her she had literally "Snoozed you Lose" (Dad ate the left over bacon)

  • Cat snuggles, cat laps, cat naps

  • Laughter from funny jokes, funny shows.  Laughter coming to me while I work, and she is in the other room.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Week 412...

Its been a good weekend, but one of those times when you realize that the "Lazy Sundays" are almost all the time now....

I go into the office on Mondays and Friday, work from home the rest of the week.  We got masks, we got gloves...we are running out of toilet paper...

It still is one of those feelings where it can't be real and yet it is.  We are living in some type of unknown limbo/suspension.  

On a drive with Willow, she grew concerned that she would have to repeat her grade...which I honestly do not know.  At this point, schools are supposed to open on May 4th, but I have a feeling it is going to be September before she will be going back to school...

I guess we keep going and doing what we are doing, be cautious and home-bodies and hope that things do not get too bad.

Here's to staying healthy!

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Nice Things...

  • Cat naps with my husband on the couch
  • Cat nap with Willow and my husband on the couch
  • Drives with Willow where we play soundtracks and talk about whatever she wants to talk about
  • Playing board games with Michael
  • Watching Riff Trax/MST3K with Michael
  • Petting the cat (Lennier and/or Kif are especially cuddly right now and sidle up to me often nudging me with their head)
  • Working in pjs
  • No make up
  • Time to read
  • Time to listen

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

On the Verge

So, before all this virus stuff...most of my family was in the midst of a transition...

Michael is finishing community college and wants to transfer to a bigger school...wants to study paleontology and film history...we were just starting to help him apply to a school and get his transcripts, etc. 

Willow just got braces and all that entails.  Now, she has a loose bracket, but since she is not in any pain, the orthodontist said to just monitor it (normally that would be a visit, but the office is closed).

Chewy was interviewing for other positions--and was THIS close to getting a job offer at a place he was really interested in. 

And now--everything is in uncertainty.

The unknowns and the precautions, so far, I have not been bored!

Trying to manage work (at the office and also remotely) is feat...and trying to encourage, entertain, engage and ease our children's fears and anxieties...well...that is a huge task.

And then, last week...add on Chewy having a bout of cellulitis and staying at the hospital (with no visitation!) for 4 days...

Is this thing over yet?

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...