Thursday, January 02, 2020

2019 review....

Well, 2019 had its ups and downs.  rough patches and more rough patches.  The good and the bad:

  • Chewy got an emergency appendectomy to start the year!  (and I owe him a sailors jig, as I thought that happened in February last year, but no, that was in January last year)
  • We had a pretty good Total Con, although Michael had Uber driver mishap and was dropped off at wrong location
  • Chewy started the months long battle with his foot/toe.  He ended up having to be off it/in a boot for 4 months or so
  • Michael got his driver's license!  He spent a lot of time chauffeuring dad around and now takes the car out every so often.  Still needs more confidence with highway driving.
  • Willow started Middle School...she had a very shaky start and we are still working through some issues, but she is doing better.
  • Teen Years Willow can be very trying
  • Teen Years Willow can also be very considerate, kind and thoughtful
  • Michael goes back and forth from being a jerk and being quietly respectful and kind
  • My job is going well personally, however there is more drama at the place than I would prefer
  • We enjoyed Cape Cod despite adversity
  • We had several different appliances fail us and set us back some cash
  • the car.  the car.
  • Health issues/scares, but still able to get through it to the end of the year
  • Because of various limitations, we did not get to do some of the things we love to do every year, but we still generally had a good time.

Here's hoping for a more successful, healthy year!

Pictures from throughout 2019 of the kids:

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

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