Friday, December 01, 2017

So, it cannot be denied...December is upon us!

2017 is almost over and as usual, I marvel at how quickly winter turned to spring turned to summer turned to fall turned to....well, winter is not quite here--but December is!   The end of the year--the beginning of a new one just around the corner...the celebrations, the expectations...the melancholy and nostalgia. 

I find as an adult, once Halloween is over, I am loathe to admit that the next holidays are coming...that the end of the year is near, that Thanksgiving is barely a blip before the festivities, mayhem and JOY spill out onto December, like a calendar of the whole year vomiting up before me.

So.  Just before you think me a humbug or a really is just me dragging my feet away from this year and trying to "stay at the pool a little longer" and enjoy this year...THIS time...before the seasons take over all senses. 

Two nights ago, Willow asked if I was excited...I said, "Well, it isn't even December yet!"  I will wait until then! 

This weekend we will put the decorations up...I will start looking forward to making Grammie's Fudge...and I will even start playing Christmas music!  Hanukkah is early this, I have to get my Holiday Groove on quick....But I will, just like a vacationer having to come back from vacation and go back to the normal routine...I will fully embrace December/Christmas/Hanukkah/End of Year/Birthday. 


(BTW---I already have 95% of my holiday shopping done...I may drag my feet when it comes to the seasons...but not when getting presents for people I of my favorite things about this season!)

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

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