Monday, April 24, 2017

Nine Year Old

Chewy often wakes up early in the morning to do some work before the day officially that soft early morning hour of 4-6 a.m....sometimes she creeps into his side of the bed...this morning, extra cuddles were had as I marveled at my wonderful Nine.  

She is an old soul, last night lamenting that she only had a few hours before she was eight years old no more.  She is funny and silly and my little energizer bunny.  She is thoughtful and caring and creative.  She is my reader, my squishy bug.  She is my daughter who loves to tell it like it is.  She asks the strangest questions.  She is scared of bugs, but loves plants and playing outdoors.  She loves getting muddy and dirty and likes pretty clothes.  And shoes.  Lots of shoes. She likes comics and some Super Heroes, but is not a total geek like her parents.  She sometimes declares she is a vegetarian, but eats chicken nuggets.  She loves singing and piano, but hates to practice.  She is my Willow.  

Pictures from her Spa Party on the 16th...

Willow and her best friend, Kayla.

The cake was beautiful...but not chocolate (which, apparently, was a pre-requisite for the birthday girl...)

Honey facials...

With cucumbers no less!



And then there was singing and dancing!

And from yesterday, Birthday Lunch with her cousins...

Second lunch entree--she had pasta with butter...but it was a small portion...and I think she liked seeing her cousins pizza--so, second entree she had!

Gift from Michael!  (Despite this look--she said this is her third favorite birthday gift!)

And now...chocolate cake!

Playing with Kirsten

And Lorelei


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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

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