Friday, March 24, 2017

Moments - Coming and Going

A month from today, Willow turns Nine!  Nine!  Wow.


One of my proudest, most important achievements in my life are my children.  I know they are not perfect.  I know I am not perfect.  But I am so very happy to have them, through good and bad, through happy and sad...through frustrations, awkwardness and brilliance.  They astound me with their growth, with their wonderfulness of being my children.


Spring is not really here yet. We did not have much of a winter, so we cannot complain...much...but I am ready to see the flowers and buds again.  Spring is short here in New England, but it usually feels me with a sense of renewal, and especially with the political climate lately, I need that.


So many things going on, trying to enjoy things while also keeping on top of all the moving parts...can sometimes seem overwhelming.


Perfect Moment:   Multiple times last night, Michael hugged Willow.  Nice big, brotherly he used to. I don't know if he senses she needed it, but it was wonderful to see.

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...