Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Cute

It is Pajama Day at Willow's school...seeing all the elementary school children going to school in their cute pajamas--makes me all mushy inside.

Already, I had the mush from Tuesday's Holiday program...oh my, how the Kindergartners are so small and barely out of toddler-dom...

Yeah, I miss my kids being that age. I HATED the infancy stage..loved the toddler stage, barely remember the elementary school I have often remarked by now...Time and its passage still seems to amaze me.

I do love the stage my children are in right now too.  I used to always say that to people--I love the stage my kid is in "right now".  Now, that is tinged with a bit or regret, because I do actually also miss the stage of my kid "before" too.  Ahh...time.

And, of course, I am too old to have more children (nor do I logically want them) and too young to be a, I will just observe The Cute...


Meanwhile, my children are still awesome.  ;-)

Willow for Holiday program and Pajama Day (new dress and Christmas PJs):


1 comment:

Ana said...


Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...