Monday, August 22, 2016

#MicroBlog Monday - CountDown

Time once again for #MicroBlog Monday!  To see other posts for this, please click here!

I used to be a Fall person, just like my Grammie.  Fall and its smells, its crunchy leaves, the coolness and the sweaters and snuggles.  I loved it!  And here I go and move to New England--the CENTER of Fall!  It is awesome here in Autumn!

And yet...well, I guess as time has gone on, as I have children who are school age, as I have experienced more and more fun in Summer...I have this bittersweet Love/Hate relationship with the Count-Down between late Summer and Fall.  Not always, but a few times of the years, I have actually end up Missing Summer rather than Looking Forward to Fall.  Don't get me wrong--once Autumn is definitely here, I embrace it like an old friend and I remember why I love it is fleeting in my eyes, and I wish it could linger a bit more.

The Count-Down for school is upon us.  The school supplies have been bought.  The schedules are starting to form...but Summer is still here---and I am getting ready to make the most of it soon---as the Count Down to vacation begins this week.  Saturday, we will be leaving for a week on Cape Cod, where many days of beach and sun and fun await...


1 comment:

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Have a wonderful trip.

I am always terrible with the end of summer, so it's probably no surprise that I am having a really hard time watching summer wind down.

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...