Monday, July 25, 2016

#Microblog Monday - Trek!

If you want to check out other #Microblog Monday Posts, click HERE.

Chewy and I went to see the new Star Trek movie together.  It was really really good!

As the titles started, my husband whispered to me "You know the first time we went to a Star Trek movie together? 1991"

Wow.  Star Trek brought us together--and it still is around and kicking...and so are we!

[We met at a Star Trek club in college...yep, science fiction geek when it was not even trendy!]

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Things of Note

Coming late to the party on this one, but finally had a chance to listen, really listen to the Hamilton Soundtrack. I am finding it very fun and even joyful.  It definitely captured a revolutionary spirit, and there are some musical numbers that are really outstanding and some that are staying in my head for quite some time.  Kinda giving me a lift emotionally, like musicals are supposed ta!

My favorite songs, so far are:



My Shot


This week Willow is going to our favorite Live Action Role Playing (LARP) camp.  She has a foam sword and yesterday we made sure to come up with a costume (using an old garland from a renaissance fair and part of her dance costume, she decided against the veil from her Zombie Bride costume last year...)

Summer camp supplies -- backpack, check!, lunch box, check!, sword, check!


Last Sunday I finally got to do something I have wanted to for a while--go to one of those Paint and Play places--and I did a painting (!)  I am definitely no Picasso, but Willow and Brad liked it very much and Willow picked out a place to hang it...

Left is the start of the painting, top right is halfway through, bottom right is finished painting..


Before July 4th weekend, I had to work a half day with no one else in the office...I took Willow along.  She played so very nicely in an office, using an unplugged phone to answer "calls" and make "appointments" for the President and Mayor...


Monday, July 11, 2016

#Microblog Monday - This and That

Please read other #Microblog Monday Posts HERE.

I meant to write about the Indigo Girls concert I went to recently...

It was put on by the town of Lowell, which annually has a music series that brings artists and concerts to the town for reasonable and family-friendly prices.  I thought that was so awesome.  My friend and I sat in our lawn chairs, the weather was perfect--and I had a great view of some great artists--for a reasonable price (and kids 12 and under were free!).  They also had American Sign Language Interpreters there...which were about as interesting as watching the act--one of them was a rather tall gentleman, who matter-of-factly signed along with the songs....and he switched out every now and again with a short, petite woman who swayed and smiled and looked like she was having a blast!  I went to this concert a week after the awfulness in Orlando--and it made me happy to be in a crowd of people who were just enjoying themselves, happy, inclusions and getting along (and, it being the Indigo Girls--there were a lot of People of Pride, which also brought to my mind the wickedness of the previous week and how we as a people need to get along...)


And then last week. I just really have no way to process how much chaos our country seems to be derisive people have gotten over things that should be common sense...and I will leave that...I am still trying to wrap my mind around how our country seems to not have learned lessons and how history seems to keep repeating and repeating...makes me worry for our future...yet, I am hopeful that people keep those voices out there and there will be change and triumphs, inclusiveness and justice....


Then there is just every day life--time continues going so fast, that I cannot believe that July is almost at a mid-point, that Independence Day and Chewy's Birthday, have already come and appreciate the little things:

  • A son who comes down and asks you discreetly to help him to buy a present for his father for his birthday, how he gives the gift and it is accepted in such an ecstatic way that the son feels he has given him the greatest gift;
  • A daughter who creates such elaborate play scenes that I want to write it down just to remember the various plots and descriptions she has used;
  • The humor and togetherness of driving/riding in a car with the whole family, digging up and listening to Weird Al and singing along;
  • The scream of a child who is right now afraid of bugs (again) even though its a lady bug, Willow....
  • The boy's latest obsession with this weird fake commerical!


Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...