Saturday, January 19, 2013

Trying to get back to "normal" with obstacles...

Since Thanksgiving, things have not really been back to the "normal" routines in this household.  We keep trying to, but then something else causes change.  My gallbladder issues took three weeks out of our normalcy.  While I was in the hospital, btw, my husband got laid off from his job.  Oh, and then three of us were sick during Christmas (Willow was lucky not to get sick, although we suspect she/daycare was the reason we got the nurovirus).

I did not get the week of Christmas vacation off because I have a new job which is highly stressful. Combined with recovering and sickness--made the holidays go by quickly and strangely.  New Years was healthy, but felt "off" too.

All this stress and change means that we are not eating as healthy or as many home cooked meals as we should.  It is kinda hard to feel motivated to cook when you are tired and stressed, and it is easier to get take out or go to a restaurant.  I think we also tend to eat out more during the winter, too.

And just as I am starting to get back to using the slow cooker and meal planning--then I have a week like this past one.  Due to unforeseen circumstances at work,  I was the only one there besides the boss, so I was doing three people's job.  Which meant I was under even more stress and definitely was not able most nights to leave on time or come home and make a healthy Chinese, pizza and burgers were had during the week...yeah, not so healthy.  (Luckily, Chewy was able to pick up Willow from childcare each night so that she was not stuck at school later).

My exercise was halted during my gallbladder surgery and recovery.  I have gotten back to most of my routine, but oftentimes other things interrupt my workout and I end up not doing as much as I usually do.  Surprisingly, I think this is one routine I can get back into easily--I just have to get myself up earlier (hmm...maybe that will be hard...)

Next week starts a new change in our "normal".  Trying to save money, Willow will go to school only 3 days a week instead of 5.  Daddy will be taking care of her on Mondays and Fridays.  This will be a rough transition for him more than her.  Scheduling time might help him so that he can juggle spending meaningful time with her and still finding time for job hunting.

I suspect there will be no real "normal" until he gets a new job, but until then, I think we will keep trying to get our routines back to some semblance of order.


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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

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