Well, Halloween is almost over...I am the only one left up right now. It was an interesting night getting the kids to bed...Michael we told he could stay up--he went to bed a little after 9 p.m. Willow, we got her to bed at 9 p.m. Then she woke up saying her white windbreaker was scaring her (she thought it was a ghost).
Chewy is upstairs saying his stomach hurts from candy snacking...and I am up not wanting to let go of Halloween. (Geez, I remember when I used to stay up way late on Halloween and watch scary movies...now, I am going to bed around 11 p.m. and there are not that many scary movies on regular television)...
So, a wrap up of Halloween festivities...
On Saturday (before Sandy disrupted everything around here), we went to the Halloween celebration at the zoo...
Michael scared a lot of little kids with his costume--especially since he did it very straight and would not get out of character--even when I insisted he show the little boy/girl that he was just a teenager under that mask...
There was a new play area at the zoo...Willow LOVED it.
Looking at the jack o'laterns.
And then there was a scarecrow on stilts...who loved Willow's ruby slippers...
There were games to play...including throwing sticky spiders onto a web (she won a spider ring for that).
And then there was tonight. Trick Or Treating! We split up the kids--Michael wanted to be more independant (actually he originally wanted to go on his own--we decided he and dad could cover more ground on their own).
That was okay, cuz Willow and I had a GREAT time! She was running, skipping and joyful to be Trick or Treating! This was the year she lasted a long time and enjoyed it so much!
Willow just before we went out. The black residue on her check is from an earlier temporary tattoo of a bat.
Meanwhile, Michael is on the other end of the neighborhood, scaring up trouble--and candy...
First house!
I just like the red lighting...
At the end of the night--the Haul picture...
(psst...I think she got more candy than he did...)