Sunday, December 11, 2011

General Chaos--with Sore Throated Goodness!

It started Wednesday night. I thought it was a cold. Seemed to get better. Although almost called off a babysitter on Thursday because I was still feeling kinda "eh". Sore throat on and off this weekend. ALMOST went to the doctors on Friday, but thought I was feeling better...and now it is Sunday night and I am still with sore throat. So, I guess tomorrow I will be going to the doctor's office. I assume I have strep. Ugh.

The weekend was a bit off because when I am the sick one, all organization and planning goes to hell. But things still needed to be done. The kids needed to be out of house on Friday evening for daddy to do some work. So, off we went on a planned outing to see the holiday lights at the zoo. It was really fun to go to the zoo, see the animals, see the lights, etc. Willow especially had a great time seeing the little holiday displays.

Saturday I plunged into things that needed to be done and a lunch that I already had planned with a friend. And Chewy took the kids to one of their favorite places--Chuck E. Cheese!

Today, I just was not up for much, so we stuck close to home. We watched a holiday movie in the morning, went to a nursery and saw all their Christmas Trees on display.

Then in the evening...Willow went to her first child friend Birthday party! It was at a local bouncy place and they had pizza and cake (DIEGO!! So, Willow was thrilled) She would not stop talking about the party and her friends from Preschool who were there. I think she is ready for a full fledged party this April (probably at Chuck E. Cheese)!

While she was at the party with Chewy, Michael and I went to the store to buy his holiday gifts for people. He was a bit hyper tonight, so getting him to stay focused in the toy section was hard. And he at first chose to find the most annoying and loud toys possible for Willow--luckily they were not in the budget I had allowed him. He ended up buying something really nice for her--and it came by accident. He had already picked out something for her and we were in the checkout. And he saw these tall Robot toys. And he pointed out that that was what he really would like to buy her, but "too bad she is not a boy". We looked at it further, and I really think she will like it--so, I said "hey, why not?" and he agreed. So, she is getting a robot toy from her brother for Christmas. (Robots seemed to be a theme--he bought someone else Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots).

(He hasn't bought my gift yet--he wants it to be a surprise--but I did point out to him some DVDs that are coming out soon that I wouldn't mind getting...)

The evening ended with Michael getting to bounce along with his sister, and the family getting to have some birthday pizza and cake for dinner. Then home and watching an episode of Buffy. Getting the kids to bed was a toughie tonight.

So, this weekend was busy and yet not as busy as it could be. I am sick, but felt like I wasn't as sick as I could be (until now).

Oh, and while I was out shopping with Michael--I got a nice Peppermint Hot Chocolate for my throat--and that wasn't too bad at all.


1 comment:

Cibele said...

I hope youa re feeling better today!

Staring the New Year off...with an OW!

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