Monday, December 26, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
So, Chewy did the almost impossible and was able to surprise me with a Birthday Dinner last night.
We went to a Japanese Steakhouse (which is our tradition on Christmas Eve) for a birthday dinner. I was thinking it was a bit early (3 p.m.) for a dinner, but that was when he had it scheduled. Little did I know it was so that everyone could coordinate to be there! I was surprised to see family and friends there to greet us!
A great time was had by all!
We went to a Japanese Steakhouse (which is our tradition on Christmas Eve) for a birthday dinner. I was thinking it was a bit early (3 p.m.) for a dinner, but that was when he had it scheduled. Little did I know it was so that everyone could coordinate to be there! I was surprised to see family and friends there to greet us!
A great time was had by all!
Everyone awaiting the food!
I love Willow's reaction to the fire...
Willow just being cute...
Getting sake poured down my throat was not exactly what I thought I would be doing that night...
And friend Ana surprised me with a PERFECT Cake for me!!
Yay, Zombie Cake!!
With chocolate hands and worms and eyeballs!!
Willow was also impressed!
Michael wanted a hand!
Willow eating an eyeball!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
MERRY CHRISTMAS to Everyone from our house to yours!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011
Pre-School Gift
What I love about getting gifts from Preschool....
I love that especially in Pre-school, the care givers know how important the little trinkets are, especially with their photo on them! It is so nice to have this keepsake, with the date, her picture--and those cute little hands!
Willow is off Pre-school until Wednesday. Right now we are having yet another viewing of Rudolph (her favorite x-mas character/story so far)--so appropriate, considering the frame above. Before then, we played a "Hello Kitty" Matching Game that Ana gave her as a present last night. (We liked playing it a lot!)
I love that especially in Pre-school, the care givers know how important the little trinkets are, especially with their photo on them! It is so nice to have this keepsake, with the date, her picture--and those cute little hands!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Let the Latkes Begin!
Our first night of Hanukkah Latke Dinner was postponed by one day because of Michael's holiday concert at school.
So, tonight, the second night of Hanukkah, we had some friends over and had a great time making latkes and enjoying the Hanukkah lights. Ana came by with a couple of her furry pals. Willow enjoyed playing with Rykka and Jule, German Shepards that she has known all her life. Our friends Paul and John rounded out our table.
We had apples and caramel dipping sauce, LATKES, pot roast and vegetable medley. Some jellied filled pastries and gelt finished the meal. It was fun, especially when Ana took over the latke making part--she did a great job! (Meanwhile, I left a plastic spatula in hot oil--and fried a spatula to death!)
After dinner, we had a game of Driedal. Michael won (which is only fair, as the children usually get all the Gelt anyways!)
Willow has a sweet tooth like you would never believe. As soon as she got home she wanted chocolate from the advent calendar. After she was diverted, she was fine--until she saw those Gelts! She had a little fit about having them before the game had started...but in the end, she did indeed get two of them.
Everyone had tons of latkes and plenty of fun!
I am so glad we do this tradition, it is so much fun to share in the holiday spirit.
So, tonight, the second night of Hanukkah, we had some friends over and had a great time making latkes and enjoying the Hanukkah lights. Ana came by with a couple of her furry pals. Willow enjoyed playing with Rykka and Jule, German Shepards that she has known all her life. Our friends Paul and John rounded out our table.
We had apples and caramel dipping sauce, LATKES, pot roast and vegetable medley. Some jellied filled pastries and gelt finished the meal. It was fun, especially when Ana took over the latke making part--she did a great job! (Meanwhile, I left a plastic spatula in hot oil--and fried a spatula to death!)
After dinner, we had a game of Driedal. Michael won (which is only fair, as the children usually get all the Gelt anyways!)
Willow has a sweet tooth like you would never believe. As soon as she got home she wanted chocolate from the advent calendar. After she was diverted, she was fine--until she saw those Gelts! She had a little fit about having them before the game had started...but in the end, she did indeed get two of them.
Everyone had tons of latkes and plenty of fun!
I am so glad we do this tradition, it is so much fun to share in the holiday spirit.

Monday, December 19, 2011
Angel Chimes - Updated
I remember them and yet I have no idea why I haven't bought any until now. You would think I would have wanted to have this tradition as soon as I had my own family. But somehow I think it was HER tradition for so long...that I could not bring myself to make them mine.
This year, I felt the need for them. I bought a cheap set--I have no idea if they will last this season. At least they come with the clowns, so I hope to bring them out for birthdays, just as she did.
This evening, we had them burning while we ate dinner. And Willow noticed the patterns of metal and light spinning on the ceiling. The children sat eating their dinner and watching the patterns and listening to the chimes.
Later, after they had jostled each other for the honor of blowing out the candles, after they left the room to watch a Christmas husband and I re-lit the candles. And I watched the angels spin.
UPDATED: For those interested in getting your own angel chimes, I found this cheap set at on-line at Miles Kimballs (Ama.zon also has them). My Grammie's set was quite well made, not sure where she got it from. The chimes are a Swedish tradition.

Sunday, December 18, 2011
20 Questions - Christmas Style
20(ish) Questions - Christmas Style
I amstealing sharing this from from Kristen...feel free to also steal share
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I prefer wrapping paper, although I am not the best wrapper. Bags are good for big presents though.
2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial. I can have it around longer, I have a Black Thumb and I don't need more chaos in my life. So, the nice hinged tree unfolds and I am happy.
3. When do you put up the tree? Per my family's tradition, the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Originally, when I was a girl, this was a practical choice. Now, it is the tradition.
4. When do you take the tree down? Per family tradition, on New Year's Day.
5. Do you like eggnog? I am the only one in our family that does. I LOVE it, and especially like making french toast with it. Yum!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Kinda hard to pick one...I remember the Barbie Townhouse, the Barbie convertible, the race track...and numerous bikes!
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Nope.
8. Hardest person to buy for? My mom.
9. Easiest person to buy for? The kids. It is hard for me to not overbuy for them.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Email sounds so tacky...does anyone really do that? Snail mail!
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I don't really have one. I have had some that I was not as thrilled with when I received them...and then later on found them very useful.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? That is a toughie! I love the George C. Scott "A Christmas Carol" and I also love "Its a Wonderful Life" and "White Christmas".
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Generally in September/October.
14. Ever recycled a Christmas present? Yep.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Grammie's fudge; candies; homemade goodies; chocolate covered cherries; pumpkin pie, turkey.
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Was going to do clear lights this year for a change, but son would not have any of that! So, colored and blinking it is!
17. Favorite Christmas song? I love a lot of songs during is hard for me to come up with just one...I like the traditional ones I grew up hearing, but I also like these songs because they share a universal message of peace and love that I especially find joyful.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? When we were younger we did travel to Michigan to see our family; but with our children it is more practical (and fair for them) to stay at home. We always welcome others to visit us!
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yes, as should you. But do you recall, the most famous reindeer of all?! Rudolph is a BIG hit with Willow.
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Santa Hat! Although Willow seems to want a star. I suppose we could find a Star of David?
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Because of my birthday, we open presents on Christmas Eve; Christmas Morning is for Santa presents and Christmas day is for Birthday cake with dinner!
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? I get annoyed when the music and the decorations start in the beginning of November.
23. Favorite ornament, theme, or color? I don't have a theme, per say, although Snowmen are a close proximity of a theme. We also have a lot of personal ornaments that mean more to us than whether or not they fit a theme.
24. What do you want for Christmas this year? Well, officially, for my birthday, I want a new digital camera. But for Christmas--I just would like a promise that the new year will be better than the old...
I am
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I prefer wrapping paper, although I am not the best wrapper. Bags are good for big presents though.
2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial. I can have it around longer, I have a Black Thumb and I don't need more chaos in my life. So, the nice hinged tree unfolds and I am happy.
3. When do you put up the tree? Per my family's tradition, the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Originally, when I was a girl, this was a practical choice. Now, it is the tradition.
4. When do you take the tree down? Per family tradition, on New Year's Day.
5. Do you like eggnog? I am the only one in our family that does. I LOVE it, and especially like making french toast with it. Yum!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Kinda hard to pick one...I remember the Barbie Townhouse, the Barbie convertible, the race track...and numerous bikes!
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Nope.
8. Hardest person to buy for? My mom.
9. Easiest person to buy for? The kids. It is hard for me to not overbuy for them.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Email sounds so tacky...does anyone really do that? Snail mail!
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I don't really have one. I have had some that I was not as thrilled with when I received them...and then later on found them very useful.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? That is a toughie! I love the George C. Scott "A Christmas Carol" and I also love "Its a Wonderful Life" and "White Christmas".
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Generally in September/October.
14. Ever recycled a Christmas present? Yep.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Grammie's fudge; candies; homemade goodies; chocolate covered cherries; pumpkin pie, turkey.
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Was going to do clear lights this year for a change, but son would not have any of that! So, colored and blinking it is!
17. Favorite Christmas song? I love a lot of songs during is hard for me to come up with just one...I like the traditional ones I grew up hearing, but I also like these songs because they share a universal message of peace and love that I especially find joyful.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? When we were younger we did travel to Michigan to see our family; but with our children it is more practical (and fair for them) to stay at home. We always welcome others to visit us!
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yes, as should you. But do you recall, the most famous reindeer of all?! Rudolph is a BIG hit with Willow.
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Santa Hat! Although Willow seems to want a star. I suppose we could find a Star of David?
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Because of my birthday, we open presents on Christmas Eve; Christmas Morning is for Santa presents and Christmas day is for Birthday cake with dinner!
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? I get annoyed when the music and the decorations start in the beginning of November.
23. Favorite ornament, theme, or color? I don't have a theme, per say, although Snowmen are a close proximity of a theme. We also have a lot of personal ornaments that mean more to us than whether or not they fit a theme.
24. What do you want for Christmas this year? Well, officially, for my birthday, I want a new digital camera. But for Christmas--I just would like a promise that the new year will be better than the old...

Thursday, December 15, 2011
Five More Days; Ten More Days...
It seems that the older I get, the quicker the seasons seem to go...the faster the holidays approach and then they are gone.
I was surprised with Halloween and then totally lost track of time with Thanksgiving.
And now, as the kids opened their chocolate Advent calendars today...the rhyme mentioned that there are only ten more days until Christmas.
There are only five more days until the start of Hanukkah.
I have all the presents and the decorations, I have listened to many a holiday song...haven't gotten to viewing all our favorite movies/shows but we are working on them. (Yesterday, Michael and I watched the MST3K Santa Claus--it was hillarious as ever--picture me laughing and then coughing and then laughing some more)
But I still don't feel ready for the holidays! Maybe part of that is because I don't have all the food items yet...maybe. Or maybe it just has been sneaking up to me again. I always think I have more time than I do.
Ah, well. The season is upon us...really really.
I was surprised with Halloween and then totally lost track of time with Thanksgiving.
And now, as the kids opened their chocolate Advent calendars today...the rhyme mentioned that there are only ten more days until Christmas.
There are only five more days until the start of Hanukkah.
I have all the presents and the decorations, I have listened to many a holiday song...haven't gotten to viewing all our favorite movies/shows but we are working on them. (Yesterday, Michael and I watched the MST3K Santa Claus--it was hillarious as ever--picture me laughing and then coughing and then laughing some more)
But I still don't feel ready for the holidays! Maybe part of that is because I don't have all the food items yet...maybe. Or maybe it just has been sneaking up to me again. I always think I have more time than I do.
Ah, well. The season is upon us...really really.

Sunday, December 11, 2011
General Chaos--with Sore Throated Goodness!
It started Wednesday night. I thought it was a cold. Seemed to get better. Although almost called off a babysitter on Thursday because I was still feeling kinda "eh". Sore throat on and off this weekend. ALMOST went to the doctors on Friday, but thought I was feeling better...and now it is Sunday night and I am still with sore throat. So, I guess tomorrow I will be going to the doctor's office. I assume I have strep. Ugh.
The weekend was a bit off because when I am the sick one, all organization and planning goes to hell. But things still needed to be done. The kids needed to be out of house on Friday evening for daddy to do some work. So, off we went on a planned outing to see the holiday lights at the zoo. It was really fun to go to the zoo, see the animals, see the lights, etc. Willow especially had a great time seeing the little holiday displays.
Saturday I plunged into things that needed to be done and a lunch that I already had planned with a friend. And Chewy took the kids to one of their favorite places--Chuck E. Cheese!
Today, I just was not up for much, so we stuck close to home. We watched a holiday movie in the morning, went to a nursery and saw all their Christmas Trees on display.
Then in the evening...Willow went to her first child friend Birthday party! It was at a local bouncy place and they had pizza and cake (DIEGO!! So, Willow was thrilled) She would not stop talking about the party and her friends from Preschool who were there. I think she is ready for a full fledged party this April (probably at Chuck E. Cheese)!
While she was at the party with Chewy, Michael and I went to the store to buy his holiday gifts for people. He was a bit hyper tonight, so getting him to stay focused in the toy section was hard. And he at first chose to find the most annoying and loud toys possible for Willow--luckily they were not in the budget I had allowed him. He ended up buying something really nice for her--and it came by accident. He had already picked out something for her and we were in the checkout. And he saw these tall Robot toys. And he pointed out that that was what he really would like to buy her, but "too bad she is not a boy". We looked at it further, and I really think she will like it--so, I said "hey, why not?" and he agreed. So, she is getting a robot toy from her brother for Christmas. (Robots seemed to be a theme--he bought someone else Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots).
(He hasn't bought my gift yet--he wants it to be a surprise--but I did point out to him some DVDs that are coming out soon that I wouldn't mind getting...)
The evening ended with Michael getting to bounce along with his sister, and the family getting to have some birthday pizza and cake for dinner. Then home and watching an episode of Buffy. Getting the kids to bed was a toughie tonight.
So, this weekend was busy and yet not as busy as it could be. I am sick, but felt like I wasn't as sick as I could be (until now).
Oh, and while I was out shopping with Michael--I got a nice Peppermint Hot Chocolate for my throat--and that wasn't too bad at all.
The weekend was a bit off because when I am the sick one, all organization and planning goes to hell. But things still needed to be done. The kids needed to be out of house on Friday evening for daddy to do some work. So, off we went on a planned outing to see the holiday lights at the zoo. It was really fun to go to the zoo, see the animals, see the lights, etc. Willow especially had a great time seeing the little holiday displays.
Saturday I plunged into things that needed to be done and a lunch that I already had planned with a friend. And Chewy took the kids to one of their favorite places--Chuck E. Cheese!
Today, I just was not up for much, so we stuck close to home. We watched a holiday movie in the morning, went to a nursery and saw all their Christmas Trees on display.
Then in the evening...Willow went to her first child friend Birthday party! It was at a local bouncy place and they had pizza and cake (DIEGO!! So, Willow was thrilled) She would not stop talking about the party and her friends from Preschool who were there. I think she is ready for a full fledged party this April (probably at Chuck E. Cheese)!
While she was at the party with Chewy, Michael and I went to the store to buy his holiday gifts for people. He was a bit hyper tonight, so getting him to stay focused in the toy section was hard. And he at first chose to find the most annoying and loud toys possible for Willow--luckily they were not in the budget I had allowed him. He ended up buying something really nice for her--and it came by accident. He had already picked out something for her and we were in the checkout. And he saw these tall Robot toys. And he pointed out that that was what he really would like to buy her, but "too bad she is not a boy". We looked at it further, and I really think she will like it--so, I said "hey, why not?" and he agreed. So, she is getting a robot toy from her brother for Christmas. (Robots seemed to be a theme--he bought someone else Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots).
(He hasn't bought my gift yet--he wants it to be a surprise--but I did point out to him some DVDs that are coming out soon that I wouldn't mind getting...)
The evening ended with Michael getting to bounce along with his sister, and the family getting to have some birthday pizza and cake for dinner. Then home and watching an episode of Buffy. Getting the kids to bed was a toughie tonight.
So, this weekend was busy and yet not as busy as it could be. I am sick, but felt like I wasn't as sick as I could be (until now).
Oh, and while I was out shopping with Michael--I got a nice Peppermint Hot Chocolate for my throat--and that wasn't too bad at all.

Friday, December 09, 2011
Ice Skating
I loved Roller Skating when I was a kid. Skating and biking and then biking and skating. I loved being on wheels.
I have never done Ice Skating. But, being a good New Englander, I have given my kids opportunities to learn it.
This was Willow's second lesson. We shall see if she is interested enough to do the seven week course (if she is, I will have to buy her some used skates).
She was not as confident as she was last week. And she found that if she fell, she could then slide along on her legs and crawl (now that this week she had snowpants on).
I asked her afterwards if she wanted to do it again...and I got a tepid response. Luckily, classes do not restart until after I will gauge her enthusiasm later this month before signing up.
I have never done Ice Skating. But, being a good New Englander, I have given my kids opportunities to learn it.
This was Willow's second lesson. We shall see if she is interested enough to do the seven week course (if she is, I will have to buy her some used skates).
She was not as confident as she was last week. And she found that if she fell, she could then slide along on her legs and crawl (now that this week she had snowpants on).
I asked her afterwards if she wanted to do it again...and I got a tepid response. Luckily, classes do not restart until after I will gauge her enthusiasm later this month before signing up.
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Searching for another CD, I found it. I knew it was there somewhere, a thoughtful gift that I thoughtfully put away.
There was dust on it. And I suddenly felt like I needed to hear it. I had forgotten what time of year it was recorded. Christmas messages for someone in a foreign land.
I initially took it out and played it in the car as a novelty for the kids--for my son who would appreciate it. There are other tracks on the CD that I knew would interest him more. Some old college audio projects, his mother interviewing his father for a project. (Now I listen and realize where I made mistakes and how I could have done it so much better. Lessons learned from time and experience.)
Later, I keep the CD in the car. And as I drive alone I replay the first few tracks. The tracks that were not meant for me. I was not yet born. Although I was mentioned and thought of. I listen to voices and realize what I have lost. What I have found.
I listen to a woman I did not know at all. And one I knew well, but had almost forgotten how she pronounced certain words, for some reason her pronouncing "chicken" sticks with me as only she would say it. She is stilted on this recording and I can tell she is uncomfortable talking into a microphone. And yet, I listen with my eyes closed as I sit in the drive way. She is so much younger in this recording and I am trying to reconcile her voice on the recording to the voice I was so familiar with. It is a short time on this recording. It is not enough. And yet it is.
There was dust on it. And I suddenly felt like I needed to hear it. I had forgotten what time of year it was recorded. Christmas messages for someone in a foreign land.
I initially took it out and played it in the car as a novelty for the kids--for my son who would appreciate it. There are other tracks on the CD that I knew would interest him more. Some old college audio projects, his mother interviewing his father for a project. (Now I listen and realize where I made mistakes and how I could have done it so much better. Lessons learned from time and experience.)
Later, I keep the CD in the car. And as I drive alone I replay the first few tracks. The tracks that were not meant for me. I was not yet born. Although I was mentioned and thought of. I listen to voices and realize what I have lost. What I have found.
I listen to a woman I did not know at all. And one I knew well, but had almost forgotten how she pronounced certain words, for some reason her pronouncing "chicken" sticks with me as only she would say it. She is stilted on this recording and I can tell she is uncomfortable talking into a microphone. And yet, I listen with my eyes closed as I sit in the drive way. She is so much younger in this recording and I am trying to reconcile her voice on the recording to the voice I was so familiar with. It is a short time on this recording. It is not enough. And yet it is.

Monday, December 05, 2011
Grammie's Fudge
He couldn't read my Grammie's cursive handwriting...
One of my favorite parts--opening the evaporated milk. McDonald's bag from Breakfast--we had a sleepover and the kids wanted it. Muppets Christmas album with John Denver on in the background.
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Birthday Cake!
Michael, Willow and I went to Kirsten and Lorelei's Birthday Party today.
My nieces enjoyed their cake as only one year olds can. It was fun and a bit bittersweet to see them playing with their cake. I was remembering as I videotaped them how not too long ago I was capturing my own daughter on her first birthday.
And then. I was brought back to reality.
And the need for me to go get her some water.
My nieces enjoyed their cake as only one year olds can. It was fun and a bit bittersweet to see them playing with their cake. I was remembering as I videotaped them how not too long ago I was capturing my own daughter on her first birthday.
And then. I was brought back to reality.
And the need for me to go get her some water.

Thursday, December 01, 2011
Happy Birthday!
Piglet: How do you spell love?
Pooh: You don’t spell it, you feel it.
"It's so much more friendly with two." -- Winnie the Pooh
The more it snows (Tiddely pom),
The more it goes (Tiddely pom),
The more it goes (Tiddely pom),
On snowing. And nobody knows (Tiddely pom),
How cold my toes (Tiddely pom),
How cold my toes (Tiddely pom),
Are growing.
-- Winnie the Pooh
Happy 1st Birthday to my nieces, Lorelei and Kirsten!
Pooh: You don’t spell it, you feel it.
"It's so much more friendly with two." -- Winnie the Pooh
The more it snows (Tiddely pom),
The more it goes (Tiddely pom),
The more it goes (Tiddely pom),
On snowing. And nobody knows (Tiddely pom),
How cold my toes (Tiddely pom),
How cold my toes (Tiddely pom),
Are growing.
-- Winnie the Pooh
Happy 1st Birthday to my nieces, Lorelei and Kirsten!
It has been amazing to watch you two grow and to see my brother and sister-in-law grow into the role of parents. That first year is tough for all...but you guys have made it and now the real fun of being a family begins!
Every story and picture, every new milestone...reminds me how quickly it goes and how wonderful it is to be a part of your life. Thank you for being my nieces!
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I am a stress ball of worry...
Sometimes when things are strange, I have this feeling like I am in a dream, like its not quite real. At that time, everything seems a bit ...
This month's book was one that I really was not sure about. I had actually read parts of it before because my son had to read it for sc...
Willow has taken to Santa Claus this year. She has realized who he is, what he looks like and I think she is understanding that he is going...
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