Monday, July 19, 2010

Perfect Moment Monday

Been a while since I have been able to post one of these (mainly because I have been having a ton of 'em and no time to blog!)

But, sometimes the Perfect Moments are from the not-so-perfect (or decent) times:

Moment #1: Last night we had company over and we were all sitting down for dinner. We had an unexpected additional person show up, so the my son offered to have my daughter sit on his lap (actually they shared the chair). Everything was going along well, until we saw the monkey-see-monkey-do going on--my son would pick up his corn on the cob and eat; my daughter would pick up her corn on the cob and eat; my son would take a drink of milk; my daughter would take a drink of milk; my son would stick his finger up his nose and play around being silly; my daughter would stick her finger up her nose--and they would both giggle incessantly. And while dad was expressing his displeasure at the rude behavior at the dinner table--inside I was laughing over the interactions of my children.

Moment #2: She is sort-of on her way to potty training (in fact she did both types on Saturday morning--but nothing since then). On Sunday, she wanted to sit down on the potty. I took her diaper off, she was wearing a dress, she sat and sat. And then got bored. And as I was about to get her diaper, she wanted to play--I thought no harm--if she seems to need to do something, the chair is just there---so she precedes to run around and around me (as she has insisted that I sit down on the kitchen floor). At one point, I am thinking--"Yeah, I better get up and get her diaper on" and as I think this, she stands right behind me and liquid can be felt on my backside and on the floor...and yet...I am not mad, but chuckle and go get the diaper.

More Perfect Moments Here.


Anonymous said...

I would have had to laugh at that comedy at dinnertime too!

Kir said...

yep, they sound like Perfect moments in spite of themselves don't they????

Gio won't stop picking his nose and he has no one to Mimic..UGH. :)

glad you had some perfect moments :)

Kristin said...

I would have laughed at the dinner time comedy hour too.

Anonymous said...

I don't comment nearly enough, but have to chim in that I simply love your family!

TeamWinks of Are we there yet? (Becky)

Lori Lavender Luz said...

I'm with you on Moment #1.

You amaze me with your ability to see the perfection in Moment #2, though. I could take lessons from you!

Unknown said...

I'm with Lavender Luz. Perfect might not be my first thought. But...

No. 1 is great. And what a good reminder. I don't have kids in the house so I forget about some of the simple, fun, teasing ways we all connect. I'm gonna play monkey-see-monkey-do sometime this week.

Thanks for the reminder.

Rachel said...

It isn't necessarily rude if it's cute.. right? right? what adoration the girl has for her brother :)

Rachel said...

That is perfect beyond words....thanks for sharing ...

Anonymous said...

Hello, visiting from weebles.. Sounds like some fun times! :)

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...