Wednesday, March 19, 2025

I am a stress ball of worry...

Sometimes when things are strange, I have this feeling like I am in a dream, like its not quite real.  At that time, everything seems a bit more focused and the colors are more bright, people's faces seem like they are in a close up and I feel like I am drifting through.  

I used to feel this way when I started a new school.  Wandering the halls, trying to get to new classes, etc.  Always had a surreal feeling.  

After a while, things would become routine and the new and strange would become normal.

This happened again when the Pandemic struck.  I remember being at work when they announced that everyone was to go home because the country was in a lock down.  We all gathered in the hallway, and I got that strange dream like surreal feeling.

The next few months were like that too...and became routine and normal.  Now, when I go out somewhere and I see someone wearing a mask, I don't question it.  

And that, THAT is what I fear the most about what is going on in this country.  I worry that our country is in a dream/nightmare state right now---and that things will become normalized.  That a Dictatorship will be normalized.  That Deportations of people who are doing nothing wrong, and in fact are HELPING our country be a better place...will become routine. 

Today, in Massachusetts, there was at least one ICE raid.  Freedoms are being stripped away, and my worst fear is that those who believe in this madness will believe this is a good thing--and that they will force the rest of us to have to adjust.

I cannot. I will not. I will defend those who are dear to me first, but I will also defend those who need defending the most...because this is anything but normal.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

TotalCon 2025 Recap

Another year, another Total Confusion gaming convention!

This year was one of those Above Average, Wonderfully Good Years! 

Everyone had fun, even I got to play more than just one or two games, and everyone got along.  

Only MAJOR issue was that the Pool was out of commission this year--Renovations!

Minor issue the first night--we have realized that we have finally gotten to the point that both kids need separate bed areas--so a Cot was procured and the rest of the weekend went well.

We actually started the weekend off early for us--got there on Thursday evening and Chewy was playing a role playing game by 7 p.m. that night.

My highlights were playing a board game event with each kiddo (The Thing with Willow and Santa vs. The Martians with Michael), and playing a role playing game with Willow (who is hilarious when she role plays).  I even got to play a role playing game by myself one evening!  All the games were fun and creative.  

AND Michael had his birthday on that Friday--and thanks to grocery delivery, I was able to get him a surprise cake!

I didn't take as many pictures this year...happily too busy!


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these times, I need to find and document those perfect moments.

Often times perfect moments happen from imperfect circumstances.  For example: Today is a cold, slushy day and Michael decided to not deal with commuting to his one class today and instead catch up on some homework.  Willow woke up with a sore throat and head cold, and since she is already Depressed and OCD...she decided to work remotely for school.

But...out of this, the Perfect Moment:

The two of them (who barely do anything together) are playing a video game (specifically Super Mario World on the Wii). I am in the kitchen, working.  Hearing them interact with each other, laugh and groan with each other...I can not ask for a more Perfect time.  

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Staring the New Year off...with an OW!

Willow slipped and fell on a patch of ice yesterday--today, x-rays show no breaks--but bad sprain!  

Time for the BOOT!

In this family, we are ALL familiar with the BOOT.

I had one when I had a hair line fracture of my ankle a few years ago:

And Chewy has had a Boot a few times:

And who could forget Willow's full on brace for her knee surgery after she broke her patella!

Even Michael has had his time in a Boot--a couple of years ago, he broke a toe and had to have one for a couple months...although I don't have a picture of it---he did have the best line tonight:

As Willow struggled going up the stairs with the boot on, he said: "And just imagine doing that while working at CVS!"  


Thursday, December 26, 2024

Its the Thought That Really Counts...

Christmas Day is over.  I am officially 55 years old.  Today has been a day of thoughts and emotions...and most of them have been beautiful in ways that only a parent would find.

Did I get gifts I wanted?  No.  Did I get gifts from my children that were thoughtful and so much a part of them and how they relate to me?  YES.  So much yes.  This year, especially, I found so many things that just made my heart warm and my pride in being their mom...just explode---I LOVE THESE KIDS!!

This.  This made my heart sing.  She is so talented with words and paint...if only she had the confidence in herself!

Michael's gift to me--he prided himself on getting something he thought I would love--and a Complete Set even!  The fact that he remembered that I loved Fraggle Rock, that he remembered the various characters (well, he has a great memory for those things, so...that doesn't surprise me...)

But the REAL Gift from him...seeing him cuddle with a stuffed velociraptor I gave him. 

Just seeing him happy and affectionate.  It was the BEST.

And Snickers! (Bluey)

And more stuffies!

Dim Sum on Christmas Eve!

And they even gave us a gift card for next time!

Michael got this for Brad--the weird thing--I had this when I was a child!

And then--it was Hanukkah!

I am a stress ball of worry...

Sometimes when things are strange, I have this feeling like I am in a dream, like its not quite real.  At that time, everything seems a bit ...