Sunday, August 26, 2018

Enjoying Summer and Time Together

The kids and I went to Rockport on a day trip...

And we had a very nice and busy time on Cape Cod (even if the weather wasn't ideal)...


Yesterday, I mentioned to the kids that there is only a week and a half left before school starts...I think all our hearts sank at that prospect.  

Tom is here and we are having fun with him around...the time will go fast, but we will be enjoying our last bit of summer...hopefully we will all be ready for the next few months, whatever they bring!

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

So now its August...

August.  The beginning of the end of summer. 

August has never been a great month. No holidays, no birthdays...and other, more solemn anniversaries.   The month Chewy's father died, those many years ago.  The month my mom died, just a year ago.  The month my Grammie had strokes that started her fall into failing health.  The month Chewy was laid off (twice!).  The month that ends and begins and yet never is greeted with happiness or cheer.

There are other more happier memories of August, including Cape Cod and other fun.  Uncle Tom visiting...which he is going to do this year!  So, maybe, just maybe, mixed in with the apprehension, bittersweet, anxiousness...maybe we will make some summertime memories to add to our August.

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...