Sunday, September 28, 2014

Battle Armor

The last few weeks in our household have been tumultuous.  I find that our family "new normal" was short-lived.  Weariness and exhaustion, fear and hopelessness set in....

We have multiple battles beginning.  Chewy was laid off.  Without warning, without provocation.  But the larger battle was looming...and last week we found ourselves worrying about our son and his health and safety.  Last week we were in shock.  We asked for and received support in ways we had not known from places we did not expect.  I am so thankful for my friends.

Now, we gather to put our armor on.  The battles will be won. Have to be.  Now we gather our resources and we fight for what we need as a family.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Lion King The Musical, Part II

When Michael was in kindergarten, we took him to the Lion King musical.  Being a bit extravagant, I spoiled my only having us go in a Limo (!)

Being silly in the Limo.

It was a wonderful experience and he had a great time...told all his classmates about it the next day, etc.  Looking back, we dressed up (he wore his Simba shirt...awwww...)  (He was far more into Lion King the movies than Willow has been).

Finally, the Lion King came back to Boston...and we went as a family of four this time.  Willow is in First Grade.  We skipped the expense of a Limo, but did go out to eat nearby.  This time, we were more casually dressed, more because it was a Sunday early evening performance.

It was as magical as last time!  (Although, I think the production we saw with Michael was more polished)  The second "Circle of Life" starts, and elephants walk down the aisle right by us (again!)...Willow was hooked!  Michael said he enjoyed it even more this time around.

Chewy and I spent time watching Willow's reactions...which included putting her hands in wonder up to her mouth, her eyes wide open, and cheering.  I told Michael that I had a tissue in my hand before the show started because I knew I would tear up at least once.  The biggest compliment came at intermission...when Michael confessed "Mom, I cried a little bit too."

It was a wonderful evening and we enjoyed it very was such a beautiful production and a wonderful way to "end" summer and "begin" the fall season.

Nursing her Root Beer.

Father and son talking.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

More Photos from Tom's Visit

It feels so long ago since Tom was here!  Summer is definitely over, Autumn has begun with the chill in the air!

Before I forget these photos...

Confirming his existence.  :-)

Hanging out with the Willow Bean.

At the MFA.

A Beret!

Dim Sum Yum!


Thursday, September 04, 2014

First Day of School 2014 - 2015

Today was back to school day!  Of course, there are the traditional poses for pictures:

First thing in the morning:
He is awake!
She was so excited, she hadn't gotten dressed yet!


She found a lucky penny!  

 Outside the house, ready to go!

 They had a good first day, Michael had homework already and paperwork for me to fill out.  I forgot to send Willow in with a snack (d'oh) and she got to have pretzels from her teacher.  (I remembered that I forgot the snack--when I was picking her up this evening!)

Now...the new normal begins!  (well, tomorrow being Friday...I think the New Normal will begin Next Week!)

Monday, September 01, 2014

Labor Day Weekend 2014, Tom Visiting

Labor Day weekend with Tom visiting was a bit more eventful than other times...we did some tourist things and still managed some gaming, BBQ and seafood too!  Gonna miss him when he leaves on Wednesday!  (But there is always next year, right?!)  Also...back to school on Thursday!!

Went to a pirate museum...

Took pictures as witch in Salem, MA

Made silly faces while eating seafood!  Michael got the cool t-shirt from this place!

It was nice having someone to hang out with Michael--he needs more of this!  

Speaking of seafood--we also saw some living sea creatures at the aquarium!


Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...